My mother had a cough since late January and she hadnt gone to the doctor utill 2 weeks ago. Xrays were done and a dark spot was seen on her lung. Biopsy proved posative that it was lung cancer. Dr. says its a common type of cancer among non smoking women. Further investigation found that its actually 2 masses in her lungs 4x5 inches in size and that she also has growths on her lymph nodes and tracea. The cancer is a stage 3 (4 being the worst) and she will undergo Chemotherapy on Fridays starting next week after the doctors perform a PET scan. She has lived a clean life and doesnt smoke or drink.
She is 60 years young and still goes to work at 3:30 in the morning to beat the morning rush. Yes 3:30 in the morning she clocks in at 7:30.
Does anyone know if the first session of Chemo will totaly run her down? Her first Chemo session is the same day my oldest Daughter graduates from HS. She does not want to miss the graduation, is ther anything I can do to help make it a little easier for my mom?????
Thank You.
She is 60 years young and still goes to work at 3:30 in the morning to beat the morning rush. Yes 3:30 in the morning she clocks in at 7:30.
Does anyone know if the first session of Chemo will totaly run her down? Her first Chemo session is the same day my oldest Daughter graduates from HS. She does not want to miss the graduation, is ther anything I can do to help make it a little easier for my mom?????
Thank You.