Help, In my last post I needed help in coloring the PR. Suggestions were to use enamel paint. Got both black and yellow paint from michaels. New can of PR and MEKP. Mixed alittle over 1oz with 8 oz of PR to get the right color. Added MEKP and stirred... and Stirred... and Stirred. never would harden. Added more MEKP. ...nothing. Finally added 2.5x's the amount of MEKP. never harded. Went to black container. I had used 1/2 oz to 7oz of PR and added small scoop of Mica Powder. Added MEKP and it never hardened. Added 1/2 bottle of MEKP and never hardened. Sooooo. Tell me what is going on. I have got to get a 1x1x5.5" yellow and Black swirl blank made for a customer. Please shed some light on this. I never have any problems casting snake or other items in clear. But coloring this stuff is driving me nuts. Now I have to scrape clean the mold and throww out 16oz of PR. Also used light coating of cooking oil as mold release. This should not be the prob. since the black would not get hard even in the plastic cup. All comments welcome. Please get me through this.