So I received my Mold Max 30 goop yesterday and poured my first mold. I learned a few thing to do different next time. I had several things going wrong and like any good perfectionist I had to find someone else to blame for my The Part A stuff is super thick. I had my son hold a plastic cup so it wouldn't fall over when pouring the part A stuff. Well it's so thick it doesn't pour out the bucket in a small wants to stay together. I had the cup filled halfway when I realize half of it is spilling over the edge of the cup on the side across from I had to yell at my son for not notifying me half of it wasn't even making it into the cup. So I scramble to find some thin pieces of cardboard and scrape it up off the piece of countertop I was using. Then when pouring the Part B stuff which looks like thinned out blood I'm cursing the fact that no one ever puts anything into a spill proof container. There's a couple dishwasher detergent folks that at least got that one figured out. Even holding a cup right under the lip of the container it still wants to dribble out down the side. It was almost better to just pour it into a cup real fast and then pour it back into the container to achieve the proper weight ratio. Then I realized this stuff is way too thick to mix in a tall 20 oz cup using a popsicle stick that barely reaches the bottom. So I yell for the wife to get a low profile container that can be thrown away. She comes back with this lunch container that has a divider. So what happens is as I try to mix it up the thin red Part B stuff is just spilling over the divider and there's gonna be no way to get a nice uniform mix. So I yell again...seriously dear I need a container without a divider. She pulls out an aluminum pie pan so that ended up working fairly good although every time I transferred containers I was loosing material stuck in the previous container. All in all in the end it seemed to pour really nice and it was looking good this morning...just felt soft and tacky still so I left it alone before leaving for work.
Second lesson learned....never do anything when the mother-in-law is in the house...comments from the peanut gallery make it hard to maintain a pleasant attitude.
Second lesson learned....never do anything when the mother-in-law is in the house...comments from the peanut gallery make it hard to maintain a pleasant attitude.