... if you want a real and dramatic adjustment to the cost of fuel at the pump, take oil and gasoline off the Commodities Exchange. It's the Commodities market that really forces the price of oil and gas to soar. Removing it from the exchange will eliminate the benefits to the Exxon's of the world, who buy "futures" as protection against losses due to fluctuations in the supply/demand. Once they have to assume the risk, they will certainly impact OPEC's decisions. OPEC is just following the Commodities speculators (many of which are institutional investors and companies like Exxon/Mobile and Shell) and raising the price based on Commodities Exchange activities. The Commodities speculators win on both ends of an increasing and decreasing market.
However, this will never happen. Politicians are not the least bit interested in protecting Americas interests and managing our economy, when there is lobbyists monies flowing so freely. That's why things like the S&L Crisis and Enron happened.
As for the contention that the price of petroleum products will drop like housing prices, forget it. Housing sales are stalled in many areas of the country, but prices will never drop to the point of some distant past affordable range. Once markets "settle in" to an "acceptable" level, they stay there. Gas will be the same. Until Americans reach their pain threshold and demonstrate it by serious changes in consumption, the Commodities speculators will continue to drive the price up. Look for $5 a gallon and a retreat to $3.75-$4.00...
Bring on Hydrogen Fuel Cells!