Poll: DST, do you like it or not?

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DST, Do you like it or not?

  • Like it, keep it

    Votes: 31 39.2%
  • Don't like it, get rid of it

    Votes: 35 44.3%
  • Doesn't matter to me.

    Votes: 13 16.5%

  • Total voters
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DST gives me more time to be outside in the evenings after I get home from work. It's a little painful in the spring, but to me it's worth it.

It might be interesting to notice where people are from who like it or don't like it. I suspect us Yankees are fonder of it than the Southerners because of the long nights we have here from October through March. For most of December and January I arrive at work in the dark and leave work in the dark, with an hour commute on top of that. DST means that effective this week, I start to have a little time to work outside in the evenings.
I don't like it. Never have liked it. See no reason for it. Can't get used to it.
Dark is why we have lights.
I've driven in the dark, ate in the dark, plowed fields in the dark, walked in the dark, yada, yada, yada.
I'm sorry, I just see no reason for "it"!
I love it. Sure there are things you can do in the dark, but you can't throw a frisbee with your spouse or go enjoy a nice picnic meal at the park or even take your trash to the refuse center in the dark. It is a little rough in the mornings though, I'll say that!:eek:
It's stupid, and so are time zones - especially partial (30 minute) ones.

In fact, time is stupid. Artificial and stupid.

And I don't give a fiddler's fuc.... er, "fiddle" what Steven Hawking says: Time will NOT run backward after the end of the universe.

That reminds me....

Oh, um.... never mind. I just finished night shift and I think I ought to go to bed


Gary ;)
Sorry, but it's a bad idea that's time has passed.

The original rationale was that it saved energy. People would go to bed earlier and businesses shut their lights off when they closed, so moving an hour of daylight into the evening reduced the lighting needs. That simply isn't so in today's society.

Most stores keep their lights on 24/7, open or closed. And many people keep lights and radios on throughout the night also. (they did a study on the counties of Indiana that went from year round Stardard time to DST, and they actually used more energy after the switch)

In our home, because of the lack of trees on the west side of our house, we have to keep the curtains drawn all day or the room gets too hot. So we have to use the lights to see. Now, I've planted trees, but it will be years before they provide enough shade to allow the windows to be open during the day.

Add to that the number of people with sleep disorders that DST has a very bad effect on. These are people who can not adjust their sleep cycles easily at all (and I'm one). I go to bed at the same standard time and get up at the same standard time regardless of what the clocks say. This means that I loose time with my family, since I will not force them to match my schedule.

This is one of the few times when I'll say that Ben Franklin was an idiot.
I don't need lights to walk to my shop, and the lights are always on there anyway....so, not sure how an extra hour of daylight helps....I just wish they would make it one time or the other and quit springing forward or falling back, really messes up my sleep pattern..!
Most of the time I don't really care, except in the middle of the summer when I can't
unwind. For me, the day isn't over till the sun goes down. Sundown is when I can
start to relax and unwind. But at the height of summer, it doesn't get truly dark here
till almost 10PM.. time to go to bed.
That's when I really hate it. That extra hour takes away my relax time.. it feels like all
I do is work and sleep.
I like the extra hour of light in the evening especially in the Summer. I can take the dogs for a walk or to the dog park when it cools off a little. I don't like it starting so early or going so late in the year. LOML hates it and life is misserable for a few days when it starts. The dogs wonder why they get fed earlier and why I get up early. I see no useful reason to even have it now, I just don't see any savings or health reasons for it. In fact it has been studied and found the heart attacks and strokes go up 5% in the two weeks after it starts and ends. Now a days kids are in the house watching TV instead of our side playing until 9pm like I did when I was a kd and didn't have very much on TV.

An old Indian once said,

"Only the white man thinks you can cut a foot off the top of the blanket and sew it on the bottom and make it longer"
Don't see how it helps and would find no problem with it being discontinued. Especially since not every where uses it. At times when I want to go to Indy, I have to get up an hour early to get there on time because they are an hour ahead. But at least I get that hour back when I come home.

Seems that old Indian sure knew what he was talking about.
I thought that Indiana repealled that law or whatever. I mean, thought I read where they too now go to DST.
I wish DST would be year round! But I understand for why some don't like it. I also realize the difference in the sun's position between East Alabama and West Texas. The sun rises/sets approximately an hour earlier in Gadsden AL than it does in Midland/Odessa TX and they are in the same time zone.

I also wish Japan would go to it. I hate it when the sun comes up at 4:15/30 AM in the summer. That is a little rough on this Mississippi boy! :biggrin:
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