Sorry, but it's a bad idea that's time has passed.
The original rationale was that it saved energy. People would go to bed earlier and businesses shut their lights off when they closed, so moving an hour of daylight into the evening reduced the lighting needs. That simply isn't so in today's society.
Most stores keep their lights on 24/7, open or closed. And many people keep lights and radios on throughout the night also. (they did a study on the counties of Indiana that went from year round Stardard time to DST, and they actually used more energy after the switch)
In our home, because of the lack of trees on the west side of our house, we have to keep the curtains drawn all day or the room gets too hot. So we have to use the lights to see. Now, I've planted trees, but it will be years before they provide enough shade to allow the windows to be open during the day.
Add to that the number of people with sleep disorders that DST has a very bad effect on. These are people who can not adjust their sleep cycles easily at all (and I'm one). I go to bed at the same standard time and get up at the same standard time regardless of what the clocks say. This means that I loose time with my family, since I will not force them to match my schedule.
This is one of the few times when I'll say that Ben Franklin was an idiot.