Retired Head Moderator
This probably should be posted in the casting section but I thought I would post it here so more folks would see it. It hope everyone is ok with that. If not, let me know and I will move it.
It is nearly 2am central time and I just got back from spending the last 3 hours in the Central Texas Medical Center Emergency Department! I have a moderate chemical corneal abrasion caused by getting Alumilite resin in my left eye! The reason...I thought I was bullet proof and have not been wearing any eye protection while casting.
I have mixed and cast over 20 gallons of Alumilite and have never even had a close call. Now normally I am quite safety conscious and always wear a full face shield when turning even pens and always wear ear protection when doing anything with noisy equipment. I just never saw the need for eye protection while casting. Tonight that all changed.
I was mixing up some resin to cast some custom blanks for GaryMGg and got a little carried away. I ended up getting a small splash of resin in my left eye and man did it hurt! I immediately went to the shop sink and flushed my eye with water and then used the eye wash bottle that is in my first aid kit by the sink. I went inside and pulled up the MSDS for Alumilite and found that the first aid for eye exposure is to simply flush for 15 minutes and if it does not get better to seek medical attention. I then called Poison Control and they said that if it was not better after 1 hour to got to the ER. Well, one hour later it was considerably worse to I made the trip.
They irrigated my eye with lots of water and checked it all out and everything will be fine but it sure does hurt like hell. Bad enough that the ER doc gave me some Vicodin for the pain!
Anyway, if you were like me and do not normally wear eye protection, please consider changing your ways so you do not have to go through the significant pain and trouble this has caused me. Not to mention the potential cost if you do not have insurance! I know I will be buying a nice new pair of safety glasses tomorrow for casting!
It is nearly 2am central time and I just got back from spending the last 3 hours in the Central Texas Medical Center Emergency Department! I have a moderate chemical corneal abrasion caused by getting Alumilite resin in my left eye! The reason...I thought I was bullet proof and have not been wearing any eye protection while casting.
I have mixed and cast over 20 gallons of Alumilite and have never even had a close call. Now normally I am quite safety conscious and always wear a full face shield when turning even pens and always wear ear protection when doing anything with noisy equipment. I just never saw the need for eye protection while casting. Tonight that all changed.
I was mixing up some resin to cast some custom blanks for GaryMGg and got a little carried away. I ended up getting a small splash of resin in my left eye and man did it hurt! I immediately went to the shop sink and flushed my eye with water and then used the eye wash bottle that is in my first aid kit by the sink. I went inside and pulled up the MSDS for Alumilite and found that the first aid for eye exposure is to simply flush for 15 minutes and if it does not get better to seek medical attention. I then called Poison Control and they said that if it was not better after 1 hour to got to the ER. Well, one hour later it was considerably worse to I made the trip.
They irrigated my eye with lots of water and checked it all out and everything will be fine but it sure does hurt like hell. Bad enough that the ER doc gave me some Vicodin for the pain!
Anyway, if you were like me and do not normally wear eye protection, please consider changing your ways so you do not have to go through the significant pain and trouble this has caused me. Not to mention the potential cost if you do not have insurance! I know I will be buying a nice new pair of safety glasses tomorrow for casting!