Playing around with Corian

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Aug 21, 2006
Des Moines, IA, USA.
I got a pretty good size bundle of corian sticks off ebay not to long ago. Decided to play around with them a bit.
This bottle stopper is my most aggressive glue-up to date. Only glued my thumb to it once!
A couple glue lines are visible, but overall, I'm very happy with it.

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The fellow who runs the Freedom Pen Project on Saw Mill Creek posted good instructions on how to glue corian. Basically, it is easy to softenw with heat (about 300 degrees in the oven). You can clamp together and CA will wick inbetween and hold the pieces together. The heating is useful for making curved shapes.
Thanks for the feedback.
I've seen a few different sets of instructions on gluing corian.
1 with CA spread then clamping together
another with clamping and letting thin CA wick into the joint
and yet another dusting the corian with backing soda (or was it powder?) then clamping and letting the CA wick in.

I don't think I'm ready for the heating of corian yet. But still, it's kinda fun to work with. I just have to make sure there's enough humidity in the shop otherwise the corian shavings stick to EVERYTHING!
If you don't mind my asking, is that using just the 1/2" corian, or laminating the corian together for a bigger blank, or perhaps segmenting the different colors together..??

Originally posted by johneaton
<br />Over the past two years, I have sold more Corian pens than all other types put together; women love them. John Eaton
I have a ton of corian and haven't done anything with it yet. I love to turn stoppers as well as pens, so I think I'll try something like this. How do you cut it? Mine are all sheets.
Nice stopper, by the way,
I got my pile of corian off ebay, in 1/2"x1/2"x6" form.
I use a compound-miter to break it down as needed. Cuts a little nicer than the tru-stone.
To break down your sheets, you can just run them through the tablesaw or bandsaw.
I've found it works better when you treat it like the tru-stone rather than acrylic.
Don't ask me how I can tell that difference.

A ton of corian huh? I could take some sheet corian off your hands. [:)]
I've got some repeats in my box. I'm kind of hard to trade with, since I sell pen blanks, but if you want to trade something, I'm open to that. I was hoping to do bowls, as well as pens and stoppers. I will use the corian for rims, and bases.
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