Pipe Tampers

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Jul 26, 2008
Anaheim, CA
I have a Secret Santa I need to do. He wants a pipe tamper.

I've been googling (I don't pipe) and it appears they are .5" x 5-7"? And have a brass base? Is that correct?

And if so, anybody have a 3/4" x 2" chunk of brass for sale?
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Go to a hardware store and buy a brass bolt with a head the size you need. Chuck it up and turn it round, perhaps by filing off metal as it spins. Drill a clearance hole in the wood handle and epoxy the bolt in place.
or if you want to get fancy, buy a few brass nuts (wouldn't want to use your good set for this) at the same time, and sandwich a couple of sections of matching (or contrasting) wood between them, then turn. Lots of fun options with pipe tampers. You can either turn the top finial then flatten one side and shape to a little spoon shape for a reamer, or better, shape the top of the brass bolt into a reamer (nice smooth rounded edges, not too sharp) and inset a third brass nut into the top half of the handle so that you can unscrew the body to reveal the reamer.
I won't be doing a reamer or pick because I'm including a fp in it.

I like the idea of the nuts though. Pretty cool.
I'm gonna hit Ace on my way home tonight and see if they've got an appropriate bolt. I may come back and hit you up for some...
I made some pipe tampers for a friend last year. Probably not the same kind of pipe you are needing to tamp, but tampers yet and still.

Mine were solid material, some wood, some Corian. I made one end a "Pick", and the other end a "tamp". About the size of a regular cigarette. They worked well i guess... I never heard any negative press on them, and i am sure i would have heard something!
I packed my pipe this morning with some nice Squadron Leader and was about to light my pipe when I couldn't find my tamper. Its some where in the pickup. I have a few of those cheap metal ones you get at the local BM. I hadn't really given the thought of turning my own until I read this thread. After I get through with my Christmas pen orders, I will try and turn a few tampers the way I'd like them.

Thanks for the post and the idea!!!!
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