Photos in albumns

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Feb 22, 2005
Correct me if I am wrong and I know we went through an update on this site but there are no photos loaded into people's albumns before 2008. In other words we can not see if a photo was loaded before 2008??? Did people have the ability to bring photos prior that year with them on the move??? Will they show up in their albumns??? Thanks.
I believe the dates that you are seeing is the date that the photo was loaded into the CURRENT album. Photos that were moved to the new album should show the date it was moved.
The thing is I was trying to narrow my search for a particular photo of a pen and I do not remember the name of the person and vaguely remember the photo. I have tried every search word I could think of but no luck. I think it was in either 06 or 07 that I saw a pen that had a decal placed on it and then the person airbrushed around it to fade into it. He did this on a few pens but this one was either his favorite car or motorcylce and that part I can not remember. I put this question out there before to see if it jogged any memories but drew a blank. So the search continues. It is driving me nuts.
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