Personal Gloat!!!!

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Nov 22, 2005
Searcy, Arkansas
I just received an email from the owner of a local Hallmark store that I sell pens to.
She tells me that a local Dr. came in a couple days ago and bought six of my pens![^] But that isn't the cool news! She then tells me that him and the Mayor are taking them on a trip to The Republic of China to hand out to some of the dignitaries that they are meeting with!!![:0][^][:0][^][:0][^]
I thought this was totally awesome. Specially for a country boy like me!:) Now I can say that my pens have truly gone INTERNATIONAL!!!![^][^][^]
Thanks for reading and any responses!
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I'll bet you feel great! Now as you are basking in the joy, "Go Make Some More!" [;)]
Thanks everyone for you replies!
It makes me very happy to be able to make something with my own hands that people will, and are enjoying. And hopefully will for years to come!
Well....back to the lathe. The CA is just about dry!
But part of pen is actually going back
to where it came from
Your right!
But, please, don't get me going![:(!] This subject is worthy of another post, maybe some other time.[;)]
It's a strange feeling to think your reaching around the world in some way isn't it. I have a tracker on my web site that lets me know how many contries people have looked at my site from. it is amazing. as far as pens in other contries, I know I have several in Italy so far.
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