pepper mills boaring

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Dec 30, 2004
I have not made a pepper mill in a long time. I need to get one done by next Saturday and I am having trouble with the Bayard Brand Forstner drill bit extender. The screws that are tightened with an allen wrench keep coming loose while the bit is deep in the blank. I am in the process of trying to fish it out for the third time!@#$%@
does anyone use type of extender that is better quality?
Any ideas? Thanks Alice
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Try taking the grub screw out and see if you can grind a point on the end that fits against the bit.... then tighten it down really good... I sometimes use a pair of pliers to tighten them when my hands don't want to work... I don't know what my brand of extension is... I got it from either Woodcraft or CSUSA and don't have much problem with it.... just make sure your bit is sharp.
Sharpening the the bit helps a lot, grind a small flat on your bit shank for the set screws to sit on so it cant spin, and use a dab of the non permanent loctite on the set screw threads. The first one is the key though.
Thanks Guys! I'll give some of the ideas a try. and maybe after this one I'll get a new extender. Alice
After sharpening a point on the set screws and grinding a flat on the drill shank, put a dimple on the flat for the set screw to go into. Not real big just enought that it helps hold the bit in the extension when pulling out.
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