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Jan 25, 2008
Phoenix, Arizona
My son that we are adopting is in Port-Au-Prince Haiti. Please lift him and the people of Haiti to your GOD during these tragic times. 7.0 magnitude earthquake all communication out at this time.
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Thanks for your Prayers! My wife just found out through the main office in Boston(Hope for the Children of Haiti) all the children at the orphanage where my son is are okay! Please continue to pray because many are not okay else where.
Thoughts and prayere for you famil and you new son. Same for all the people of Haiti. Shows the difference in the power between the 6.5 that hit off the coast of California (25 miles out) and the 7.0 that hit Haiti.

I have PM'd you about a family here in Sacrament in the same situation you are regarding you adopting a son in Haiti. Can you contact me or KCRA Channel 3 and give them the info on who to contact. KCRA TV 916-444-7316 or 916-444-3333

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Did it

Looks like I was able to put the TV Station and Jim together got all phone numbers and maybe they can help this family here in Sacramento. This family here has met the little 2 year old and have bonded with him they are pretty desperate to find out anything. The second I saw the story I knew what to do. and 10 minuets late contact was made. Hope everything works out The TV station maybe able to help Jim's wife in getting medical assistance down there.
Interesting update to Toms Post above. The Sacramento TV station contacted me and I explained the storey about my son and the children at the orphanage, she ask if it would be okay to contact the local affiliate here in spokane, well I said sure and 15 minutes later our local tv station called and wanted to do an on air telephone interview tonite during the 11:00 news, oh and did I mention that my wife had tried to contact the same station earlier today with no response...Wow!
Update to the children at the orphanage...they all got out okay but both buildings are damaged and the children are terrified to go in for anything. They are currently living and sleeping on a basketball court away from all buildings. No food or water but alive! Please continue to pray.
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I have a Religious class every Wed night and I brought this up and we are all praying for those in Haiti and the others in the class are passing the word.

The family here Sacramento, was able to make brief contact with Haiti and there son is ok. Sounds the same Orphanage damaged but the kids are OK. Thanks for any help you were able to give. How did the interview with you wife go?

There is no News today or contact from my son, the orphanage had a cell phone and I'm sure the battery is dead. Tom...The interview went well with the local NBC affiliate, not sure how God will use it. Atleast it puts some local people with the tragedy and perhaps some money will be raised to help the Haitians. Thanks for everybodys Prayers, It really means alot to our whole family.
Interesting update to Toms Post above. The Sacramento TV station contacted me and I explained the storey about my son and the children at the orphanage, she ask if it would be okay to contact the local affiliate here in spokane, well I said sure and 15 minutes later our local tv station called and wanted to do an on air telephone interview tonite during the 11:00 news, oh and did I mention that my wife had tried to contact the same station earlier today with no response...Wow!
Update to the children at the orphanage...they all go out okay but both buildings are damaged and the children are terrified to go in for anything. They are currently living and sleeping on a basketball court away from all buildings. No food or water but alive! Please continue to pray.

Military units from around the world are landing in Haiti. Saw US troops landing, unloading water bottles by the thousand. While we are all praying, drop in a request,
"Hey, God, could you let these military guys and gals make this relief work their 'full time job'??" Just think of the wonderful things they COULD accomplish!!

Oh, BTW, Canada was already on the ground:eek::eek::eek: ahead of the USA!! Great job, Cannucks!!!!!
Oh my yes, been praying!

I have two Haitian friends that I went to Bible College with who both minister there. One Guy, Gerard, his church is in Port Au Prince. We just got word tonight that he and his family are fine. The other Faber, know one has heard from him.
Jim . . . is there any kind of timeline for getting your new son out of Haiti? Any way of expediting things now that conditions are so bad down there?

I know we're all praying . . . is there anything else we can do to help? Maybe there's an IAP member "who knows somebody" . . . "who knows somebody"?
A prayer or two that Bureaucracy stays out of the way as well. I live in the Gov world and it is unbelievable what the leaders can do to get in the way of those that already know what needs to be done. Allow the troops (As in anyone providing aid)to get aid to those that need it. It is a long road ahead for the Haitians.
Thanks to all!
Thanks for your help, our govenor is submitting emergency visa paper work for all the children here in Washington that submit there files. They would not say how long that would take. We feel so helpless, last we heard is the children are still living on the basketball court. There was talk about the coordinates being given to the US Military so that a blackhawk might be able to drop some food and water at there location, noway to confirm that. I know this sounds like a broken record but the relief agencies need hard cold cash. Our orphanage is a school as well and is called " Hope for the Children of Haiti" Thankyou again for your prayers and Please continue to pray and if you feel led please consider donating if not HFC the Redcross, just make sure that its not a scam.

The couple from Sacramento is leaving Florida Sunday morning with their new son from Haiti. It was a struggle because of paper work and starts and stops. The flew our last night and met him in Florida and he is now at a Hotel spending the night and then off to his new home in the morning. How are you doing with your son?
Thanks for all of your prayers! They have been answered! My son made it into Miami and my wife flew down and did paperwork for 2 days and finally he stepped off the airplane here in Spokane! God is so Good All The Time! Again thanks to you all, I firmly believe we will never know this side of eternity how much power is available to us by seeking Him in Prayer!
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