Interesting Statistics

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Staff member
Dec 5, 2003
Westlake, OH, USA.
I thought you all might be interested to read a few statistics about our site. We certainly have grown up over the past two years.

Our Members:

As of today, we have 1730 members, and we average about 92 new members a month (Jan-Oct 2005).

400 of our members visit at least once a week, and about 250 of you visit daily.

More members visit on Wednesday than any other day. The peak period of most weekdays is 10am-2pm Eastern time, with about 40 concurrent visitors.

78% of visitors (members and unregistered guests) are from North America, 18% are from Oceania, 2% are from Europe, 1% are from Asia, and the remaining 1% are from elsewhere (or undeterminable by the server)

Our Posts:

We have over 107,000 posts (active plus archived) and we add about 7000 new posts every month.

The most popular topic is Bev Polmanteer's What do you look like? which has been viewed 7930 times and has 153 replies.

Our Articles:

This really impresses me! Our articles are downloaded about 19,000 times every month.

In October 2005 the top few were (number of downloads)

Casting Poly Resin by Anthony Turchetta (2,581)
Aluminum Pens by James Mann (1,948)
CA/BLO Finishing by Fred Munday (1,509)
Blank Squaring Jig by Jay Pickens (1,108)

Web Server Stats:

In October 2005, we served up...

3,762,098 object hits (any object sent to a browser)
645,311 page views.
764,193 jpeg images (in posts and albums)
44.1 GB of traffic
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Never was any good at math, maybe I should consult Virgil. lets see.....

2,581 x .01 = $25.81 or x .10 = $258.10 or x $1.00 = $2,581.00 or x $5.00 = $12,905.00
Can I post my paypal account for donations [:D]

Great job Jeff and thanks for a wonderfull penturners site. [;)]
Hi Jeff!

I think we must have been on to something! I just knew there would be a need for a great site like this! You have done wonders. Thanks Jeff, for all the hard work you do, the work you have always done!

(One more post and I'll have another star! [:D] )

Originally posted by jeff
<br />.....More members visit on Wednesday than any other day. The peak period of most weekdays is 10am-2pm Eastern time, with about 40 concurrent visitors....

I wonder if those folks are all retired or self-employed??[}:)][:D][}:)]
Originally posted by Dario
<br />I'm one of the 250 who visit daily (several times too) LOL [:I]
Like wise[:D]

Jeff very impressive all those number, I think it was about 800 memebr when I joint so that mean we have 1000 + members in 1 year, very good, 18% is not to bad for Oceania.

Anthony you can put your Pay-pal account here but don't forget you got 10% only and Jeff take 90% [:D][:p]
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