Penturners Live Chat Tuesday 7PM PDT

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Aug 18, 2004
Scottsdale, AZ
For those that may be new and those that are just old :D

Penturners holds a live voice chat every other Tuesday evening. The times vary depending what host is holding the chat around the country. Well this Tuesday 5/15/07 at 7 PM PDT which is the same as 10 PM EDT is my turn to host the live chat from beautifull downtown Cave Creek, AZ. The live chats started back up around a year or so ago using Pal Talk, this worked okay and the turnout was real good, but we were bombarded by the adds from the free software from Pal Talk. So we changed the network to Ventrilo. No adds and realativly easy to use and computer friendly. (in most cases) The software is free to download and use, here is the link

Location: Ventrilo chat - details in file

Penturners pays a licensing fee for the group to use this. There are enough funds to go another couple of months. As with just about everything, the turn out has been dwindling to about 5-10 faithfull attendees. Some host's draw bigger crowds especially when they invite a guest to talk about there specialty, and there have been great guest speakers on the air waves in past.

I for one am pretty talked out, (hard to believe) so what I am asking if there are any newbies or beginers out there, this is a great way to get answers to your immidiate problems or any questions you may have. The turners at the chat are as helpfull to answer any questions you have.

So if you are looking for something to do tomarrow nite that is informative and not strenuios, around 7 PM Arizona time, I invite you all to join in on the chat, everyone is welcome. :) The more people that show up, the less talking I have to do, to keep the joint hopping. Also, this is much more enjoyable listening to a live voice on the other end. Especially when it is Virgil and you get the good ol Texas drooooool :D or maybe Serge will chime in from down under and hear how the english language is really spoken :D

Hope to hear your there.

Sorry, forgot to add, you need a mic, this sure makes it helpfull for you to talk and we can hear you :) There is a chat room box that you can type as well, but the whole idea behind this is the voice interaction, makes it much more enjoyable.
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Yes the new people should see if they can join in tomorrow night. If you have anything you need to know there are some great informative people there. Lots of good information to be had.
And it doesn't take long to setup the program. If you have any problems when you get there it will be easy for somebody to help you.
Hi all,

I joined in the chat tonight. It was my first time and I enjoyed it very much. Thank you Anthony for hosting. I received answers to some of my basic questions. I learned about Afzilia burl, River Ridge We also talked about the upcoming Penturners event in Provo on June 20th and who among us will be going etc. All in all an hour well spent.

I look forward to the next one. I need to put Ventrilo on my laptop so I can join in when I am away with my work. Thank you again to all who participated and answered my questions and shared their wisdom.

One thing is for sure I need to get one of Paul's vices. Several of the group tonight talked about how it will pay for it's self in the long run in not ruining blanks. Cha Ching!
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