Pens on Airlines - TSA Issues

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mark james

IAP Collection, Curator
Sep 6, 2012
Medina, Ohio
I know there have been scattered comments on this previously, but some more current experiences would be helpful.

Please use this thread for any ACTUAL experiences and how it went.

Current Issue: I would like to take the IAP Collection as a "carry-on" for airline flight, both within the USA, and hopefully to England.

I can transport approximately 40 pens in a custom made "Pelican Case" that will fit into a slightly larger carry-on. The size is not the issue!

There are no "Cartridge-Style/Shell-Casing" pens in the current inventory. But lots of hollow metal tubes, concealed spaces, and a "caretaker" somewhat reluctant to disassemble every pen to non-informed inspectors.

Has anyone had reasonably current experiences with a carry-on of a larger group of pens. Not 2,3-4 in your pocket - an actual "bundle of 10-20-30+."

Questions: How did TSA react? What did they expect you to answer? Any issues? Any outright rejections that this is not allowed? What issues am I missing???

I ask this to avoid going to the airport with an opinion that with an extra 1/2 hr, all inspections will go fine, and it will be allowed; only to find that on any given Tuesday, said Inspector will reject it as a carry-on, insist it be a checked-bag, or hurry to take it back to the car and miss the flight...

... And just to inject some humor (but actually scary serious): My wife was allowed last month to take as a carry-on... Get ready... A GAS MASK!!! An expensive ($600+), high-end, industrial grade mask/shield with full carbon side cartridges rated for exposure to Industrial Chemicals related to PVC formulations as well as Urethanes. Her company paid to have her prescription glasses ground into a secondary inner glass shield, and she didn't want it to be broken in her luggage.

TSA: "Gee let's see... Nope, a gas mask is not listed as a prohibited article, no problem, have a nice flight..." Not to be political (please!), but I bet if her name was Achmed it would not have passed... Or, just like a scarf or baseball cap - she simply wore her gas mask on the plane :eek::eek::eek:; it may not have worked (AKA - RIOT), But "Nancy" was good with her Gas Mask Carry-on...

Back to the issue of transporting the IAP Collection... :):biggrin::)

I appreciate any current experiences!
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That was my thought Pete, there is something now called TSA precheck that expedites the process somehow, don't know the details but worth checking into for sure. I've read info that doesn't sound like it should be any issue but no personal experience. Let us know!
Pete and Warren: I have a TSA appointment this Tuesday for the Fast Pass/Precheck. That is a slam dunk.

I will be asking for the travel issues in addition to the Precheck pass, just not sure I trust "what I will be told" vs "what happens in real life... i.e. 45 minutes before the flight.

Once done, I will update this thread with my experiences.

Thanks for the input.
I have taken up to a dozen pen and pencils on a flight with no problems, as they went through the x Ray machine. If you remove the case from the carry on and send them through separately, if there is a concern you don't have to dig through your carry on to view them. Curly's suggestion is a good recommendation as well.

I flew from Cleveland, Ohio to Florida three times over three years. I had them in a case by themselves. I was stopped once. I'm 99% sure it was just because they wanted to look at them. They asked how soon my plane was leaving. I had come early so five people ended up looking at the pens.

Last response - no problem. Good luck and have a nice trip.

----I had around 30 pens----

I flew from Cleveland, Ohio to Florida three times over three years. I had them in a case by themselves. I was stopped once. I'm 99% sure it was just because they wanted to look at them. They asked how soon my plane was leaving. I had come early so five people ended up looking at the pens.

Last response - no problem. Good luck and have a nice trip.

----I had around 30 pens----

Hi Hubert: Thank you for your reflections - That is what I am expecting. Just trying to anticipate any possible glitches. And... If I actually get to England; what hassles may I have to get the collection Home??? I try to plan for the worst, hope for the best, and be prepared for meeting in the middle. Workable hassles are fine; folks need to do their jobs - I do understand that!

I fly a lot and experience many different things during security.

Ensure you only have 2 bags for US travel. Many airlines are getting strict about the 2 carry-on rules.

Arrive earlier than 45 minutes before departure if you plan to check a bag. Some airlines have a cut-off of not bags getting checked 45 minutes prior to departure. Check your airline rules.

The TSA- Pre-screen is a great benefit. You essentially have a background check run and assigned a travel ID to use when booking flights. It allows you to go through security with your clothes in tact and your laptop and such still in the bag. Your carry-on may get pulled aside and manually inspected if something strange shows on the screen.

Overseas travel had bans on carry-ons for a while. You may want to check on current policy.

Some regional planes have restricted overheads meaning your checked bags will be gate checked. Be careful what you want gate checked as the bags often get handled pretty rough getting them onto and off the plane.
We took 3 cases of pens including many bolt actions to Alaska and back (Arizona) without any trouble. We carried them on. One of the TSA agents looked at them really hard but in the end her boss came over and shrugged his shoulders and said, "They're pens." Then several came over to admire before shutting the cases back up.
beck3906;1841529 Some regional planes have restricted overheads meaning your checked bags will be gate checked. [B said:
Be careful what you want gate checked[/B] as the bags often get handled pretty rough getting them onto and off the plane.

Thanks for that Rick - I'll want to avoid that.

Becky: Sounds promising! Thank you for the input.
I said checked bags get gate checked and should have said carry on bags get gate checked if too large to fit into the limited overheads.
I said checked bags get gate checked and should have said carry on bags get gate checked if too large to fit into the limited overheads.

Yes, I did understand your point! I don't believe I will be on smaller planes, but the point is well taken that on some, after 1/2 of the plane has boarded... there is NO overhead room available and everything then gets gate checked! :mad:

All good input! Thanks.
If you are taking the collection out of the country you probably want to make sure you have "proof" that you had them before you left the country so that customs doesn't try to collect duty (or worse) when you return.

Since they don't have serial numbers you can't register them with US customs. You might be able to get by with a picture of you holding the open case in a location that is clearly in the US before you left on the trip. If you have insurance on the pens, a dated copy of the policy might be adequate. You could provide a link to the IAP website if you are challenged, but getting a customs agent to check the IAP website might be tough.

I would not take anything that might in any way be considered to have been part of an endangered plant or animal. Some of the pens in the collection might raise an issue. It doesn't matter if materials were legally acquired by the pen maker. If the material is thought to be on the list by whatever customs agent (US or UK) is looking at it, it will be game over.

I know some people make pens from spent cartridges. I would be more worried about them, as the last two times we flew they did the swab around the bags like they used to. I asked what that was for and was told it was a random thing looking for gunpowder residue. So if you have any pens made with spent cartridges extra care might be necessary
Separating them at X-Ray so they're ready for inspection is a good tip. I had about 16 PR blanks I was nervous about a few months ago. I had them in their own giant ziploc and pulled them out like I would a laptop at xray. They got flagged when they went through xray, and they asked me what they were and took them over to the "swab test" machine which I think is checking for explosive chemicals. They were very nice and made a point of thanking me for packaging them separately, and pulling them out for easy inspection. All this seemed pretty routine for them.

Travelling last month I also had some blanks with me and this time they didn't get flagged or swabbed.
You might have someone go to the airport with you just in case something DOES happen, he could take the collection without you risking missing your flight. Murphy IS alive and well, after all!
Be aware a TSA PRE is not absolute either.
I was on the road and had to change my return.
I moved my flight up 6 days and when I checked in the morning of the flight, the following day, I was no longer PRE cleared.
I had the same items in my pockets as I had on the original flight and I got searched going back.
UPDATE: Yesterday I brought the IAP Collection to Tucson, AZ with no issues. Went through the regular screening with a box of 30 pens. The x-ray screening went just fine.

Will try to have a cup of coffee with Sharon (Sbwertz).
UPDATE: Yesterday I brought the IAP Collection to Tucson, AZ with no issues. Went through the regular screening with a box of 30 pens. The x-ray screening went just fine. Will try to have a cup of coffee with Sharon (Sbwertz).

You are reading to much into this problem. Loosen up and enjoy the travel and not get dragged down with this anxiety
I went through security with about 40 pens in my computer bag. The TSA official asked me if I knocked off an office supply store! They were very cool about it.
UPDATE: Yesterday I brought the IAP Collection to Tucson, AZ with no issues. Went through the regular screening with a box of 30 pens. The x-ray screening went just fine. Will try to have a cup of coffee with Sharon (Sbwertz).

You are reading to much into this problem. Loosen up and enjoy the travel and not get dragged down with this anxiety

Just getting back to this thread.

I actually suspect you are correct Ed! There were no issues; the screener said, "Oh, a bunch of pens?" I guess if my wife can transport a carry-on with a gas mask, I am OK with some pens.

My main concern was getting to England, or somewhere else, and having issues getting the collection back! I try to avoid any issues, but probably overkill (but... don't want to have to use Toni/Your pen to "bribe" my way back :eek:).
I have carried up to 10 at a time in carry on. They looked close and had me open to verify it was pens. Plan on taking that many to London next month also.
I have carried up to 10 at a time in carry on. They looked close and had me open to verify it was pens. Plan on taking that many to London next month also.

Hi Phil:

Have a nice time. My plans were derailed by my wife's work. :frown: They have sent her to San Francisco, Mexico City (Currently), then to Germany/Italy. No budget left for England/Hazelwood.
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