Pens from the past

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Feb 6, 2004
Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA
Back in the winter of 2003, pens and pen makers took center stage - on the cover of the American Woodturner Journal. Can you recognize who has pens on the cover?




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I just read that article again the other day... It's fun to look back a few years and see how kits and styles have changed.
When I joined the AAW a few months ago, that was one of the magazines I backordered. I could have saved some money now with your new setup on the site. That was when pens started to really take off and now look at the field. Thanks for showing and your work always stands out for sure.
There sure are some pretty over the top pens out there that do not get seen here. Those magazines are bit too rich for me but I would love to get them.
I think an affordable magazine could be put together that has a rich source of ongoing information. Just take a look at all of the information contained in our library, and there is your mag for a couple of years at least. Then look at all the information contained just in a lot of the posts....again, lots of seeds for articles on pen making.

The talent and backgrounds of the people who are involved in this forum is wide and extensive which says we could put out a magazine that would be of a quality level and yet, I believe it could be made to be affordable. I also think finding sponsors would not be that difficult. One of the things that I would like to see is someone like Constant be featured in an article, or what about one of our newest members, Toni and her beautiful pens. I would love to know how she does that.

One thing I've come to realize about this group is if you put your minds to something, it gets done. I think an IAP sponsored magazine would be received well by all turners, especially those that love custom made pens.

If I were retired, I would volunteer to take this on, and I would love to get involved in some form or fashion, but with my work schedule and the traveling I do, it is not feasible for me to add anything else to my plate right now. As a matter of fact, I can't find a lot of time to get in front of the lathe.

Rick (mtgrizzly52)
Oh, the nostalgia! ;-)

I think I've seen that somewhere before! ;-)

Thanks for dredging up the past, Ed. I love looking at those pens all over again. I got to handle each of them in my own hands, and of course, pictures don't do them justice! That article was just a lot of fun to do.

For those of you who would like to read the whole thing, here's a link:

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