Pen Wiki!

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Staff member
Dec 5, 2003
Westlake, OH, USA.
Over in this topic I gave you a hint that I'm working on a new penturning information resource. I want to give you some more information and get you all thinking about how YOU can contribute. This isn't something I can do, or a few of us can do. It will require the support of our entire community.

Heard of Wikipedia? Familiar with the concept of a Wiki?

As the Wikipedia article says, a wiki is a collaborative website which can be directly edited by anyone with access to it. I encourage you to read the Wiki article as it answers a lot of questions I'm sure many of you have about just how the heck something like that can work.

The bottom line is that we're going to build the biggest, most complete, most easily used encyclopedia of penturning anywhere. Whenever you're looking at a page in the wiki, you'll be able to add to it, fix errors, adjust grammar, etc. It might sound like anarchy, but it's collaboration at it's finest. Remember, "none of us are as smart as all of us". As the years go by, the wiki will just get bigger and better.

I'm still working on installing and configuring the wiki software on one of our servers. I have never administered a wiki before, so there's been a bit of a learning curve. Hopefully the time I'm taking now will pay off later in ease of use and less effort for all of you content authors.

Once I get this done, I'm going to solicit about 20 people to work on getting some basic content in there. They'll be assigned to write very simple paragraphs (wiki pages) that describe the basic elements of pen making that we discussed over here.

They'll cite dozens, probably hundreds of terms and concepts that you all can then define, refine, and describe. For example, one of the original authors might write an overview of the tools and equipment needed to make pens, but won't describe things like the various types of lathes, or the various ways to sharpen a chisel. You can imagine that concepts fan out like a spider web from a single original article.

After the original authors get done, we'll open it up to the world to revise and improve. There will be plenty of how-to info coming on editing and working with the wiki software, and I'll also appoint some wiki "champions" who will be able to provide help using the wiki, and will arbitrate disagreements. We'll also set up a forum section just for discussing the wiki and it's content.
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Jeff... I had half a feeling thats where you were headed... Which Wiki 'engine' did you go with... PM me if you'd like - I would love to help where I can - I have gotten alot from this site already and can try to help where I can....

I develop software in my 'real' life - so I can help with some of the technical side.

Originally posted by RonRaymond
<br />Will it be called Wikipenia? Sorry, couldn't help myself.[:p]
Nope, "The Pencyclopedia" I registered and .com a few weeks ago. They'll point back to the wiki at
Originally posted by alphageek
<br />Jeff... I had half a feeling thats where you were headed... Which Wiki 'engine' did you go with... PM me if you'd like - I would love to help where I can - I have gotten alot from this site already and can try to help where I can....

I develop software in my 'real' life - so I can help with some of the technical side.

I evaluated a bunch, then selected It's written in PHP and does not use a database, which for the size wiki we'll have is fine.

The next competitor was MediaWiki, which is what runs Wikipedia, but managing that beast is a full time job. It also has a lot of built-in stuff that we don't need which would have made it harder for casual contributors to help out.
Originally posted by wdcav1952
<br />WOW, Jeff, that sounds ambitious, to say the least. Are you really going to let people like Ed4copies loose on a project like this???? [:D][;)]

You'll just have to follow him around and correct his spelling and grammar. It's a hard job, but someone has to do it.[:D]
Looks like a logical choice. It should fit well with this crew.. The sandbox on their site looks like the editor is clean and easy.
Originally posted by gerryr
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Originally posted by wdcav1952
<br />WOW, Jeff, that sounds ambitious, to say the least. Are you really going to let people like Ed4copies loose on a project like this???? [:D][;)]

You'll just have to follow him around and correct his spelling and grammar. It's a hard job, but someone has to do it.[:D]

I'm certainly glad my "friends" have defined their expectations of my entries.

I wil mak f-ry tmpt 2 keeeep em buzxy![B)][B)][:0][:0]
Originally posted by ed4copies
<br />...Beets halving enemyys!!!![:0][:0]

(Marginally, sometimes!)
I'm glad I re-read that comment, for a second I thought you said "beets having enemas" then I thought, anything beats that![:D]

Can't wait to start in on the Pencyclopedia, I'm assuming rookies will have the same access as the "OTF's" (Old turning... uh, Folks)!
Originally posted by Glass Scratcher
<br />
Originally posted by jeff
Nope, "The Pencyclopedia" I registered and .com a few weeks ago. They'll point back to the wiki at

Jeff, what's to keep some Yeahoo from joining, logging in and then being destructive to the articles?

That's the downside of a 'wiki' concept. No vetting or control. And, it is why I never use Wikipedia for reference or information. Anyone can put anything up there, right or wrong. Sadly, many believe what they see and often pass it on as fact. OTOH, I have to admit it is very popular and hundreds of millions of people like it and use it. This old cynic ain't one of them.
Originally posted by Glass Scratcher
<br />
Originally posted by jeff
Nope, "The Pencyclopedia" I registered and .com a few weeks ago. They'll point back to the wiki at

Jeff, what's to keep some Yeahoo from joining, logging in and then being destructive to the articles?

That's what we're all here for.
Originally posted by Glass Scratcher
<br />
Originally posted by jeff
Nope, "The Pencyclopedia" I registered and .com a few weeks ago. They'll point back to the wiki at

Jeff, what's to keep some Yeahoo from joining, logging in and then being destructive to the articles?

Jeff, I think this Wiki idea sounds great on the surface but with the mix of people we have, some of the articles are going to be hilarious as they go along.

Can you imaging how a simple tutorial is going to look after Ed with his spelling disability or Julia with her Tennessee drawl get through editing?

Then along come a few of our northern neighbors putting an “eh†at the end of every sentence or the folks across the pond correcting the phrase “you have to get durn near center or the blank will be off a hair and turn caddywhompus†with phrases like “not quite spot onâ€.

Heck, I’ll bet there’s some that don’t even know the difference between ya’ll and all ya’ll!

This otta be fun![:D]
Originally posted by Texatdurango
Heck, I’ll bet there’s some that don’t even know the difference between ya’ll and all ya’ll!

Even knowing the difference doesn't mean that some of us will ever understand that the contraction for "you all" is singular![?]

Originally posted by Glass Scratcher
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Originally posted by jeff
Nope, "The Pencyclopedia" I registered and .com a few weeks ago. They'll point back to the wiki at

Jeff, what's to keep some Yeahoo from joining, logging in and then being destructive to the articles?
You didn't dig in to the article link I posted. [:)]

Try this one:

See the section on wiki vandalism and edit wars.
Originally posted by alphageek
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Originally posted by Texatdurango
Heck, I’ll bet there’s some that don’t even know the difference between ya’ll and all ya’ll!

Even knowing the difference doesn't mean that some of us will ever understand that the contraction for "you all" is singular![?]


You must be from New Yawk City. Don't ye know nuttin'? [;)] Y'all means just that, y'all. Don't matter how many y'all are. It's just y'all. Sheesh.....
Originally posted by Rifleman1776
You must be from New Yawk City. Don't ye know nuttin'? [;)] Y'all means just that, y'all. Don't matter how many y'all are. It's just y'all. Sheesh.....
Actually.. I'm from the land of Frozen Tundra (the Packer kind, not the Canada kind)... And if it doesn't matter how many y'all are, then why is there also "all y'all"??? :)
Those from the "Nawth" (spit) often have trouble understanding their cousins from the holy land (the south). I order to help bring us a little closer, I have composed a short pronouns guide for those who were not blessed to be born south of the line....

Conjugation Chart for Southern Pronouns

Singular (I) I, Ah or ignored, i.e. I am goin’ down the store, Ah’m goin’ down the store, or simply Goin’ down the store are all acceptable.

Singular (you) You, y’all You goin’ down store with me, Y’all going’ down store with me?

Plural (We) We, we’uns (generally Pittsburgh area, Appalachia) us, us’n(s) we all We are goin’ down the store, We’uns goin’ down the store, us’ns goin’ down the store, We all goin’ down the store.

Plural (you) You, y’all, all y’all, you’ns (generally Pittsburgh area, Appalachia)
You goin’ down the store? Y’all goin’ down the store?(usually directed at a previously identified sub-group) All y’all goin’ down the store? (usually indicating everyone present)

Plural (them) Them, them all, they, they all (all fully interchangeable) Them all’s goin’ down the store.

Obvious care must be taken when interpreting the potentially convoluted syntax of, say, an invitation to a social gathering or event. I.e. Ah’m goin down the pig roast with them all, y’all comin? Could represent any number of people in any number of trucks (assumed).

All firmly tongue in cheek! I gots roots in both camps![;)][:D][:D][:D]
I believe this thread has become a great example of a new term I will coin, "IAPped" (pronounced similar to Yapped).

We can define "IAPped" as a complete deviation from the initial intent. Moving so far "off subject", Sherlock Holmes would be left clueless in an attempt to return to the source.

I expect we will NEED this term frequently, if we assemble a Pencyclopedia. Which, by the way, in no way discourages an attempt to do so. "IAPping" (the present form of IAPped) can be a very GOOD thing and is one way this group of strangers has turned into a "community" (as opposed to a "village" for you Hillaryats-pronounced similar to "hillarious").

So, Jeff, you are directly responsible for a new word that I bet we can get into the dictionary in about five years!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!!![:0][:0][:0][:0][:0]
Originally posted by alphageek
<br />
Originally posted by Rifleman1776
You must be from New Yawk City. Don't ye know nuttin'? [;)] Y'all means just that, y'all. Don't matter how many y'all are. It's just y'all. Sheesh.....
Actually.. I'm from the land of Frozen Tundra (the Packer kind, not the Canada kind)... And if it doesn't matter how many y'all are, then why is there also "all y'all"??? :)

Like I said, 'sheesh'. Ye don't know nuttin'. If'n ye gotta ask, ye been froze up too long. After all, don't y'all wear cheese on yer haids?
jeff, this all sounds fantastic, and i think you deserve a medal as big as a soccer ball[^]i think even me a computer novice will be able to understand and use it. cheers colin.[:I]
Just a little update... I'm a bit held up on configuring the wiki... I am trying to integrate the security here with security in the wiki. I don't want people to have to have yet another username and password. That drives me nuts. I must have at least 20 passwords for stuff at work. Anyway, I am getting a little professional help (not the kind I really probably need [:D], but programming) to tie the two databases together. Updates soon...
A mini-scandal in Arkansas today. Wikipedia had some unflattering comments about former Governor Mike Huckabee. Mysteriously, they disappeared. Huckabee is Republican, the new Governor is Democrat. And, supposedly, his staff is also Democrat. However, Wikipedia was able, and did, trace back to the computer that was used to edit the remarks by using it's ISP number thingy. They discovered that a State, employee assigned, computer was responsible for the editing. Will this be possible with Pen Wiki?
Originally posted by Rifleman1776
<br />A mini-scandal in Arkansas today. Wikipedia had some unflattering comments about former Governor Mike Huckabee. Mysteriously, they disappeared. Huckabee is Republican, the new Governor is Democrat. And, supposedly, his staff is also Democrat. However, Wikipedia was able, and did, trace back to the computer that was used to edit the remarks by using it's ISP number thingy. They discovered that a State, employee assigned, computer was responsible for the editing. Will this be possible with Pen Wiki?
Will what be possible? Tracing the IP back to the person who made the edit? Yes, however, we'll be using our member accounts to log on to edit the wiki, so the member name will be recorded with edits.
SUCCESS! I've finally got the Wiki talking to the forum user database. So we'll have logons and edit tracking based on username here. After tinkering with this thing for almost two months, I'm more excited than ever by the possibilities. There are still some wrinkles, and it isn't pretty yet, but we have to start somewhere.

SO, it's time to get the "Barn Raising" going. (That's how they describe the initial effort by a team to get some basic content in the Wiki.)

If you are interested in investing some time, you think you can write clearly, and you have enthusiasm for the Wiki concept, I want your help! We need about 20 people at most to work on this, so let me know by email if you want to help out.

I've set up a forum for discussion of this part of the wiki development, and I'll add the volunteers to it so we can have a place to discuss concepts, processes, etc.

Here's one request. You WILL need to invest a little time to understand the wiki concept, learn the editing tools, and understand the architecture of our wiki. ALSO, you'll need to check your ego at the door. This kind of collaborative effort doesn't have room for personal agendas, arguments, or big heads. If you're good with all that, jump on board!

Thank you all in advance. This is going to be fantastic!
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