Pen Refills

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Oct 10, 2006
Shamong New Jersey
Am working on a very large order (100) Cirgar and other pens and I like to add a better refill for this client.
Did the local thing ie Stapples and some other shops not a great deal in getting over 100 refills.
Was looking for some sort of good deal that wont beat my profit margin as we are dealing very close to cost.
Was wonderning if someone had any suggestions?
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Bob ---I am missing something here----you are making 100 pens for Almost free and you want to have better refills??????
I am sorry but this makes no sense to me at all.
Of course it's 3;00am and I am headed to the shop trying to catch up a little today.
Just be sure you add the cost of the new refills into your price. Not sure of your logic though... if you got pretty good kits, the refills in them are probably near same quality you would get at office store..
I've made 100 pens in one shot. once, and will not do it again. I did it for free and glad I did cause you couldn't have paid enough to make it worth it. You might try Anthony for refills but I am with the rest. the refills that come with the pens work fine for me. I know one other source for refills at a great price but cannot vouch for them being better or worse than what comes with the kit. that source is Rizheng. e-mail me for there web site address.

Thanks for all of your input. As it seems that you might be right, We did look at Stapples and found that they are not really any better.
Maybe it was just a thought but we had to ask.
Again thanks for your reply.

OK back to the shop.

I buy and personally use the Gel refills from Craft Supplies. They are around a buck each and write GREAT. Plus they are clear plastic and you can see when they are about empty.
Thanks for all the replys and suggestions. Going to try some of the suggestions and sites you offered.
Or just maybe might stay with the stander refill??
Thanks again.
Bob, when I first started turning pens I had a TERRIBLE time with refills. They were often scratchy and ran out quickly.

That was a few years ago. For some reason they just seem to be better, I rarely have one that's bad (EXCEPT the Hauser Rollerballs, I use them to mix epoxy and I ALWAYS put in a Pilot G2 instead---- I wish Berea would quit supplying Hausers but then again what would I mix epoxy with?).

BTW I used to make a LOT Of PSI kits and rarely do now. I do know that some of the kits that came with crappy refills were PSI slimlines, and a few came from Woodcraft (I think they were Berea even then).
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