Pen Photo - TEST (please check)

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Randy, I tried to make them bigger, but I am working off the ones that were posted to IAP and you loose the resolution big time just going a little bigger. With just a couple weeks, it might be too much to try for hi-res photos, plus for those on dial up 50+ hi-res photos could be killer.
I haven't been off of dial-up that long and don't remember ever having a problem with opening standard resolution 640 x 480 pictures; but maybe opening a pageful of 30+ pictures might be a problem?

No doubt, though, that trying to blow up pictures is a loosing proposition with respect to quality unles you are only going 10-20%. I guess you dance with the one you brung; but it sure is a shame we can't get a better look at all of these nice pens.
Well, there are 33 right now, and that is thru 6-25-07. I should have 52 photos to load when the other archives are posted. If I understand it corectly, we should have one pen per week = 52 photos.

The res. is set at 325 x 145(ish) and I tried to go even to 350 x ?? and it was grainy looking.
It is a bit suspicious that all of the pictures were submitted at 325 x 145. I bet this is a set of revised photos that have been reduced to fit the format of the front page of the web site. Have you checked with Jeff to see if he has a set of the originals?

Lee: If he does and and you are willing to use larger pictures, I will volunteer to format them to whatever size you choose so it doesn't add a lot of work for you.

OTOH, if you don't want to change directions at this late date, I will just hush up and go with what is already started.
I don't mind changing them to larger photos at all, I would like to keep the all the same size at least as far as the width. I think with that page format, somewhere around 400-450 wide might fit.

I will shoot Jeff an e-mail.
I think it looks great! I checked with Jeff, and he would like to house the page on the IAP server, so please correspond with him on that. If nothing else it would resolve any conflicts about rights to use the pictures. The size of the picture isn't bad, and we don't want to make this too much to load for those on dial-up. On my connection (DSL) it came up pretty quick. If you stay with this size of picture, can you put two columns of pictures?


Scott, no problem with the hosting.. I did change the photo name to keep it simple and so no one can see who made it. I can e-mail him the page, it's in Frontpage and the photos needed.

Two collums will not fit without an overlap, and my thought was to keep it so you scroll thru one pen at a time so the viewer really gets to "look" at the pen.

1 - All those photos are "somewhere" on the site, either in photo albums or posts. I copy the original photo, then shrink it to 325px wide for the front page, then upload to my account and embed the link. So I don't have a collection of the originals in a single place. Personally, I think 325 px works fine for voting purposes.

2 - I guess I'm going to need to hide the original archive posts for the duration of the voting.

3 - You can zip up the photos and your html and send to me, and I'll post them. How about we use or however you wish.

4 - Do you want an email address in the domain that forward to your email? Is that how you're collecting votes?

Jeff, that is fine.. I will put it all in a zipped file and sned it to you. I like the e-mail idea if you can do that! Let me know what the addy is when you set it up and I will change the hyper-link on the page.

Are we adding in the second half of the year in this as well?? I only have the first half of the year for photos. (6/25/07)

Becca, nice catch!!
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