Pen / Pencil combo

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Jan 8, 2010
Shelby Township, Mi
Many years ago I used a kit that was a combination pen & pencil. As I recall you turned it one direction and the pen would come out. Turn it the opposite way the pencil came out. I've been asked to make another one and I can't remember who had those kits. Anyone have any ideas? It had to have come from one of the larger suppliers.
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Wood turningz has a four-way tech pen. If you rotate the pen different color inks will come out and there is a pencil. That could be what you are thinking of, possibly.
Many years ago I used a kit that was a combination pen & pencil. As I recall you turned it one direction and the pen would come out. Turn it the opposite way the pencil came out. I've been asked to make another one and I can't remember who had those kits. Anyone have any ideas? It had to have come from one of the larger suppliers.
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