Hello everyone,
A bit over a month ago I had the urge to try and do something for Ukraine. I posted about it here on the IAP a few weeks back (Ukraine Pen Fundraiser) I decided to make a pen to raffle and donate the proceeds people working on the front lines in Ukraine. Fast forwarding one month we were able to raise over $6500 and had several other pen makers and nib meisters join this cause. It was an amazing to see the pen community step up and do good.
This article just came out. I am humbled and honored to be a part of this article that Pen World Magazine came out with in their April issue. Its an article that features 6 pen makers who used their platform in the pen community to make a small impact in what is happening in Ukraine.
The article is titled "The Pen is Mightier" it is a great article to read. All of these pen makers in this article are great people with amazing hearts. If you have not checked out their work its great stuff!
Here is the article for you all to read. If you have ever wondered where to get the scoop on what is going on in the pen world this magazine is a good place to start.
Enjoy the read!
A bit over a month ago I had the urge to try and do something for Ukraine. I posted about it here on the IAP a few weeks back (Ukraine Pen Fundraiser) I decided to make a pen to raffle and donate the proceeds people working on the front lines in Ukraine. Fast forwarding one month we were able to raise over $6500 and had several other pen makers and nib meisters join this cause. It was an amazing to see the pen community step up and do good.
This article just came out. I am humbled and honored to be a part of this article that Pen World Magazine came out with in their April issue. Its an article that features 6 pen makers who used their platform in the pen community to make a small impact in what is happening in Ukraine.
The article is titled "The Pen is Mightier" it is a great article to read. All of these pen makers in this article are great people with amazing hearts. If you have not checked out their work its great stuff!
Here is the article for you all to read. If you have ever wondered where to get the scoop on what is going on in the pen world this magazine is a good place to start.
Enjoy the read!