Pen demo at Rockler...

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Russell Eaton

Sep 9, 2009
Stockbridge GA.
I will be at Rockler on tomorrow to do a demo on pens and a CA finish. If anyone wants to come by and heckle it would be nice to see you. This is the third or fourth time I have been asked to do the demo, the guys that work there like the finish on a CA pen but don't know how to make it come out right. Hope to see some of you there. Russell
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Mine have no idea here either they are still using the friction finish. At the last show I had several of my pens with the finish and showed them around after they were done. Even the folks at Rockler liked them but no requests to show how it is done. Oh well I still lie most of them :p
@ The store . . .

I will be at Rockler on tomorrow to do a demo on pens and a CA finish. If anyone wants to come by and heckle it would be nice to see you. This is the third or fourth time I have been asked to do the demo, the guys that work there like the finish on a CA pen but don't know how to make it come out right. Hope to see some of you there. Russell

@ The store . . . or the IWF?

At the store. I have no desire to get off the highway inside of Atlanta...LOL I will make an exception for Highland Hardware, they have some nice stuff from time to time.
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If its a pen turning demonstration, why you gonna be there Russell????

Just kidding! Good to see others of our group out there in front of the public! Dont forget the meeting next weekend!!!!!!!!!!!

Hey mister, is that paper towel supposed to be on fire?????????
It was a good turnout yesterday. Thanks Steve for showing and I'm sorry for the CA shower ... There were several new turners that I met, and I was glad to show them the hobby we all love. Thanks again. Russell
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