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Jun 1, 2007
Sturtevant WI, USA.
Ah! It's my favorite time of year. The grass is starting to green up, the birds are chirping..Easter is just about over. That can mean only one thing...

Peeps will soon be on sale!!!!::):):):tongue::tongue:

There is something a little disturbing about eating one of these crunchy, puffy little "Just Born" chicks ....But then they are so yummy who really cares???

I have heard of making Peepcicles, even Peeps Brulee'.. but when I saw this recipe today for Peepshi (Peep Sushi) I knew that I just had to share!!! ..:biggrin:

Anyone have anything else interesting to do with these yummy little wonders???

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Ok guys and gals it's time for a trip to Racine......we all need to form a circle around Dawn and hold an a Peeps intervention.............

If it werent for CaptG it would have been 3 years since I had a peep!! The minute the kids saw them I was attacked:eek:

I always thought the real question was "which END do you EAT first???"

first time in my life I didnt have matzoh:frown::frown:dont tell..shhhh
Toni, I'll send you a box of unsalted Matzos, can't for the life of me wrap my mind around peeps and Matzo:biggrin:


If it werent for CaptG it would have been 3 years since I had a peep!! The minute the kids saw them I was attacked:eek:

I always thought the real question was "which END do you EAT first???"

first time in my life I didnt have matzoh:frown::frown:dont tell..shhhh
Roy~Peeps are Peeps fun to eat, squishy and sugary...yummm....

Matzoh because it is Passover and Required, funny thing is I think Peeps are even KOSHER!! (dont bother sending matzoh passover is over)
This eyetalian loves just to eat matzo with butter anytime,I lived for the first 12 years of my life in the Bronx off of Fulton Ave and Bathgate street, smack dap in the middle of the largest Jewish neighborhood in the US and love most Jewish foods,,,,,,,,,,Italian food........Spanish food........hmmmmm seems all food but Peeps not so much!
Roy~Peeps are Peeps fun to eat, squishy and sugary...yummm....

Matzoh because it is Passover and Required, funny thing is I think Peeps are even KOSHER!! (dont bother sending matzoh passover is over)
This eyetalian loves just to eat matzo with butter anytime,I lived for the first 12 years of my life in the Bronx off of Fulton Ave and Bathgate street, smack dap in the middle of the largest Jewish neighborhood in the US and love most Jewish foods,,,,,,,,,,Italian food........Spanish food........hmmmmm seems all food but Peeps not so much!

The best food for sure nothing beats a good bagel w/lox or scrambled eggs and kippers. dont get me started on Italian food there isnt any here, so i end up making the italian food. Spanish food, I grew up in Elizabeth N.J. and went into Newark for Spainsh food best restaurants there.

Ok, ok, you won yes I miss matzoh w/butter we used to buy them by the case!!
How the heck did this thread miss me??

1. I don't think peeps are not Kosher, my pop mentioned to me (as I stuffed my mouth with one) that the gelatin comes from pigs (not kosher) but I could be wrong I will check out a box later today...

2. Matzoh, unsalted butter and salt best snack in the world! I am finishing up the last box!

3. My pop just happened to bring NYC bagels with him last week with lox! Ohh yea life is good...speaking of which the toaster just dinged:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
Hey Dan I DO NOT LIKE YOU!!! YOU ARE VERY VERY VERY CRUEL!!! Watch out one day I will be back on the East Coast and I will hunt you down and make you eat creamed herring...hehehehehehe
Keep your gefilte fish.
This post is about peeps.
Creamed peeps? Yuck.
We used to go to a bar/pizzaria called Spirito's(spelling) in Newark when I was really younger (like 60 years ago).
The sushi peeps had a pizza peep page.

If I were take some peeps and let them get really stale, then chop them up in little pieces and cast them in resin. Peeps pen blanks; maybe. . .
I tried creamed herring...a little too strong for me. Gefilte Fish is now where as bad as creamed herring. So how about I treat you to some breakfast when you find meToni:biggrin:
Peeps rock. This is the first year we haven't had peep jousting. What is peep jousting you say? Take 2 peeps and stick toothpicks under thier right wing. OK, I'm just going to say that all peeps are inherently right "winged". Face them towards each other about 1/2" from the tip of the toothpick. Put them in the microwave and set to 15 seconds. As the Peep expand the winner of the joust is the one that doesn't pop. Do I have to make a Tutorial on this?
I like to poke holes in my package of peeps and let them sit for a couple of weeks until they get stale. They're so much better when they're stale. The problem is having the willpower to let them sit long enough.
Peeps rock. This is the first year we haven't had peep jousting. What is peep jousting you say? Take 2 peeps and stick toothpicks under thier right wing. OK, I'm just going to say that all peeps are inherently right "winged". Face them towards each other about 1/2" from the tip of the toothpick. Put them in the microwave and set to 15 seconds. As the Peep expand the winner of the joust is the one that doesn't pop. Do I have to make a Tutorial on this?

Acutally a video post would be so much better than a tutorial :wink::biggrin:
HaHA Thanks funny. Guess what I am munching on as I read this. Purple Peeps. 7 down 3 to go. Cant eat just 1. Well 1 box that is. Sugar rush will be kicking in.
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