Be careful if you use more then one bank account to pay Paypal transactions. I have a primary checking account and a secondary checking account thru two different banks. Paypal is supposed to take money from my primary account unless otherwise directed. However as I just discovered they can and will take money from whatever account they feel like taking it from. I had more then enough money in my primary account and they skipped that and took directly from my secondary account which at the time did not have the money. Because of this, my bank paid the amount and then charged me $27.00. When I spoke to Paypal on Friday, they admitted their mistake and said they would fix it and fax a statement of their mistake to my bank so that the fee would be refunded. Naively I believed them. They neither fixed it nor faxed the statement either. Now I'm on the phone with them and they say it was not a mistake and that they won't change it since they got their money from the bank. Just a warning for those that use Paypal - they will do what they want and will lie to you as well. Lesson learned - I just wish their was an alternative to using Paypal. Thanks for letting me vent.[V][V]