Paypal needs to up dat the shipping options.

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Jul 9, 2007
warren, michigan, USA.
What is going on with paypal as they still have no small or large flat rate box option on the site.I'm not missing something ???Its a real pain to go from paypal to USPS sites to ship,and have to type in the information manually.I say we get a mass email campaign going to get this fixed,who's in?I'm going to email paypal as often as I ship to see if it might help.So everyone email paypal and make a stink.Victor

Spell Check,LOL
If you are using the small flat rate box, just choose the flat rate envelope option. That is what I was told to do by the USPS Same shipping rate and that is all they seem to care about. I have been shipping that way since they came out with the small FR box and have not had any issues at all.
I usually use the envelope option then stuff the box in the envelope(tight).I was scared to just use the envelope option as I have had so many tiny(dumb) issues with the USPS.I hat the pull tab on the envelope with a full package they stick out just waiting to get torn open.All I need is the large box added to the site then.Victor
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