Paying it forward

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Jul 31, 2009
3355 Lookout Pl Reno NV 89503
I don't know where else to post this so this casual conversation forum wins by default.

One of our members greeted me in such a wonderful and unexpected manner that I thought I would share it with you and try not to embarrass her in the process.

This member contacted me almost immediately with a private message and asked if I would be interested in some welcome to the IAP pen blanks. It is hard to stammer in an electronic message, but I felt as if I were doing so when I replied that I would greatly enjoy getting some blanks.

Today, I received 10 blanks, all labeled cut and ready to drill and turn. This is heartwarming to me and reminds me that folks that work with their hands in the creative process and get in touch with the wonder of wood are truly genuine people.

I am kind of overwhelmed by this and just feeling real good about this site and our membership. I wanted to let you all know how cool this place is. You already know that and show it everyday in your interactions with one another.

Thanks for letting me a part of this. I will pay this gesture forward.
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I think I know who did that, and even if it is a different person, there are some fine people here.

This is a GREAT idea to send a few blanks to new people as part of a welcome! When people have been into pen making for a little while and have an abundance of blanks, what better way is there to welcome new members!!

If IAP members can do this within the country/continent/chapter that they are in, it would not be just a "one country or one continent" welcome, and the shipping costs would be reasonable.

When I get out of the land of expensive postage, I will join in on this. I certainly have an abundance to offer.
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