Paul Huffman pen vice

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Nick Rocco

Jan 7, 2016
Is anyone making a Paul Huffman style pen vice? I do not believe that it is possible to purchase a new authentic Paul Huffman vice any longer but not sure.
I'm sure glad I got mine when I did.
I got it from Turner's Warehouse, but they don't have them any more.
I love the cantaliever jaw design.
Pen Vise.JPG

There are some similar ones, but IMO The Paul Huffman design is superior!

Peachtree USA makes something similar. Link Pen Blank Centering Vise
Grizzly Makes one, but it has flat jaws (probably could be modified) but it's Expensive! Link Grizzley H7576
I also found this Self Centering Vice on Amazon Link Ad International Vise

If mine was broken, I would use a Nova G3 chuck with their Pen Plus Jaws for drilling on the lathe. (I suppose one could figure out some kind of mounting board using a 1 x 8TPI bolt so the chuck could be mounted to a drill press table. It would be kind of expensive, but I am sure the design would be good and solid.

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