Local Chapter Leader
Well my buddy of almost 30 years has been collecting turning stuff for the past year, in order to try our addiction. Last night after a previous session of showing him how to cut, drill and mill the ends of the blanks, we got down to "business". We took blanks that he had completed from start to finish and coached him through his first cigar pen! He loves the Alan Lacer skew, and he had chips flying and a big ole' grin on his face. At the end of the session, he had completed a walnut cigar pen, that he started from a blank, and turned and assembled all on his own!
I left about 11pm, and got a phone call at work this morning from him. He got so excited after I left, he turned two more pen bodies. He then proceeded to assemble both cigar kits backwards! I just got back from Woodcraft with a disassembly tool that I plan on delivering tonight, and demonstrating the proper techniques of disassembling. I had to read a book about disassembly, because you know, I never have put a cigar kit together backwards.....LOL.....
I got a big kick out of "passing" the addiction on to another person. It is more fun than turning the perfect pen!
I left about 11pm, and got a phone call at work this morning from him. He got so excited after I left, he turned two more pen bodies. He then proceeded to assemble both cigar kits backwards! I just got back from Woodcraft with a disassembly tool that I plan on delivering tonight, and demonstrating the proper techniques of disassembling. I had to read a book about disassembly, because you know, I never have put a cigar kit together backwards.....LOL.....
I got a big kick out of "passing" the addiction on to another person. It is more fun than turning the perfect pen!