Out Of Touch For A Week Or More

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Activities Manager Emeritus
Mar 18, 2004
Montgomery, Pennsylvania, USA.
I have had some family issues involving my daughter in Hawaii, and haven't had my mind on the forum for the last few weeks. My wife, son and I are flying out there tomorrow. We hope to get things settled a bit for her and have a little time to see Oahu some while we are there.

TBone understands that I didn't make the deadline for his PITH pen as my mind has been distracted of late. I have it partly done, and hope it will be worth the wait.

Thoughts and/or prayers for the next week will be appreciated. :airplane:

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Bill, Good luck and I hope everything gets ironed out. All of this is our Past Time, and belongs right where you have it, on a back burner. I've had my share of turmoil concerning one of my babies lately. But luckely she is still right here in the nest. Sometimes being a daddy is the hardest job in the world, good thing it pays well.
Cav, have a safe trip out there and take care of your daughter. She should be your only concern right now. The pens will still be there when you get back. Good luck.

The pen is inconsequential. Family comes first....ALWAYS! Take all the time you need to take care of them. Prayers for a good outcome and a safe trip for all.
Well Cav,

Sounds like you will finally be able to SEE the situation and make a better judgment on her options.

Good luck and remember to USE the military channels - they CAN help solve the problems!!!

SIGHTSEEING IS GOOD!!! Hope you get to do some!!
Cav - Out of touch? When I first saw the post title, I was writing my Cav-worthy witty response. Upon opening, wittyness is gone and good thoughts are your way. Safe travels Cav and I hope everything works out.
Best of luck in HI... Remember that positive attitude goes a long way...:monkey:
Cav I talked to Al today, our prayers are with you in this situation. Please remember restraint when dealing with it. If there is anything I can do for you do not hesitate to call me, email or pm me. Let us know when you get back or get it cleared up, you again have a couple Irish folks here wishing your family God's speed.
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