Out of Commission

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Jun 23, 2004
Phila, PA, USA.
I will be out of commission for a little while. On friday night I had a heart attack. Yesterday was surgery good thing no major damage. Need to make a lot of life style changes.

One important note listen to your body. I took a aspirin both going to the hospital and the doc said that probably saved my life and my heart.


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I am glad to hear that there was major damages. Rest and do what you need to and come back soon. You will be in our prayers.

That's not the kind of news we like to get around here, Alan. The best part, of course, is that you are on the mend and that there is no major damage. Good thinking about the aspirin. I'm surprised you were able to keep your wits about you at a time like that.
Ok, Alan!!

Now that your body is telling you off, what will you allow US to do to help??

You know I am as close as your phone - USE IT!!!
Originally posted by ed4copies

Ok, Alan!!

Now that your body is telling you off, what will you allow US to do to help??

You know I am as close as your phone - USE IT!!!

Same here, Alan. The offer I made when you were injured still stands.
Look at this opportunity, Alan!!!

How many people could go to a show with pens made for you by Cav and Ed?????

Lord knows those two guys NEVER get along!!!

Cav really does turn a nice pen!!

But, send it to GerryR if you need pictures taken.
Alan DID call.

He sounds tired, but spirits are good.

Keep him in your thoughts (and prayers, if you are so inclined).

Get some rest, Alan!!!

AND THANKS for calling!!!!
Well you are like me in one respect Alan - you too get the chance to view the top of the grass for a few years yet.
I'm glad to hear everything is going well. Now listen to the good doctors and do as they say!:):)[:X]
Alan. Been there done that and bought the T shirt as they say. Listen to the doctors and listen to your body. You will get through this. Take it slow to start and let others do things for you. You will know when its time to start doing for yourself again.(but not yet)
I spoke with Alan earlier this evening and he seems to be in doin well considering the situation. He plans a careful return to the shop and business. His plans are still a "Go" for co-sponsoring the Atlanta Pen show. I can also tell you that the forum, your thoughts and prayers have lifted his spirits.
Alan my prayers are with you, I have been down this road as well. As for myself it has caused me to have a diffrent outlook on life, we are getting another chance, alot of folks dont get to say that.;)
First, I want to thank everyone at IAP for their prayers and glad wishes. Also I want to thank you for your offer to help. Right now I think I am OK but I will reach out for that help. I am allowed back in the shop tomorrow because I had to let the effects of the blood thinners were off. The shop is great therapy for me as well as my career.

Just to let you know what happen. I was going back up stairs Friday night when I had a two ton brick hit me in the chest. I had been battling a cold and at first thought it was just that. But the pain was very intense. I had my wife take me to the hospital and had taken a aspirin before leaving.

All the initial tests came back OK. They were going to do a stress test on me but because of the cold they oped-out. Instead they did the cardiac catheterization. That's when they found one artery 40% blocked. Not much but enough to cause the pain. Luckily no damage to the heart. They did balloon the artery instead of stenting because it was not blocked enough.

They did tell me that had the plaque broken away it most would have caused a stroke. Even though this was a major event to me in the prep room they had 30 people waiting for the same procedure and many of those people were much worse off then me. So yes this is my second chance at life.

All I can say is that the man above decided it was not my time to go. So now I am in preventive mode and will be seeing doctors for awhile. I still have some major life style changes to make and realize that they have to be made but will take time.

I can go back to my part-time job on Monday and into my shop tomorrow.

All I can says is thank you so much. You are my friends and in many ways my family. My wife is my biggest hero by standing beside me and helping me get though this part of my life. Also the good man above has a lot to do with this as well.

Again thank you and if at any time I can return the favor please let me know.

Alan thats great news to hear, I wasnt as fortunate I had 2 blockages in the low 90's and a third in the high 80's and this required 3 stints. This was 3 yrs ago and I have been doing just fine thus far. Those annul stress tests are not much fun but a necessary evil.:(
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