OOPS, Ouch, Stupid, Lucky - be careful

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May 31, 2008
Brooksville, FL, USA.
Well, I had a little accident while using my table saw today.

Yep, wasn't paying attention when I know better.

First, of all the table saw scares the heck out of me - meaning I respect it. I always remind myself that if something were to happen, to pull my hands away from the blade. Yes, I use a push stick - but today I got in a hurry.

Just trimming a piece - all went according to plan - except after I shut it down and the blade was running really (almost stopped) slow, I got stupid. I tried to pull a piece out and left a little chunk of the tip of my index finger. Bled like a stuffed pig but the finger is still there. Just bandaged it up and then turned a nice little goblet.

Don't tell me how dumb I am - my wife has already done that - especially after cutting my thumb with a hobby knife a couple months ago - that is another story - but it took 10 stitches.

Anyhow, just thought I'd mention this so the next time I have a "brain flatulent" maybe I will remember this.

Maybe this will be a reminder to someone that you have to pay attention to what you are doing. I got lucky!

Florida Don
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We've heard many stories like yours Don but believe me, we all need to be reminded again and again and again etc etc..............
Glad yours wasn't more serious.
(I'm scared to death of that saw)
Glad it was not more serious. Of all my power tools, and I have some serious ones, that table saw scares me the most.
Glad you are OK. The best part of the story is that you went ahead and made the goblet. Times like this, my father-in-law reminds me-"don't bleed on the finish work."
My thoughts are that as soon as a table saw doesn't scare you, unplug it and sell it as fast as you can! In fact, this goes for all power tools.

You know, I cut myself here and there with stupid little things, but I always respect the table saw the most. That thing can jump out at you and cause serious damage before you know it. I have two. I have the heavy duty contractor grade one out in the garage, and a normal 10" in my shop and I respect them both equally.
I was always affraid of it, but one day I had to overcome and adapt, so I built a sled for everything. The sleds really make a difference in precision, safety, and confidence.

Im glad your ok. And thanks for the reminder.
I am glad that you weren't hurt badly. It is good to hear that others also find table saws intimidating. I could do much more if I had one, but of all the power tools it is the most frightening one to me. I have been contemplating getting one, but fear slows me down. I am still thinking.
Maybe your wife needs to take away all of your sharp toys??? LOL..

Glad it wasn't more serious... Table saws scare me to death... just the thought of that spinning blade nicking into my fingers gives me the screaming willies... same with the band saw.
Glad you're OK. I'm leery of the table saw, too. But the one that scares me is the
router. Table saw blades run vertical, I can stand to the side. But something spinning
horizontal at 30,000 RPM ? If it throws off anything, it's coming out at my level.
I can't get higher or lower. Gives me the willies to think about it.
Glad your OK, it can always happen in a split second. I saw this item over Christmas, and thought hmmmmmm. Most of you probably already know of this technology. Anyway check this out. Just wanted to share it.
Not cheap but maybe worth considering.
I dont mind the table saw in general (I hate mine. cheap little thing) but a decent tables never bothers me.

Now the skill saw is the one power tool I have a problem with and I know why. When I was about 7-9 I seen a block of wood fly out and take a 3" square chunk of skin off of someones foot.

Good to know your ok. A family member took off all 4 fingers on his left hand about a year ago. Never did as what saw he was using.
Glad the finger is still intact,I had a piece of walnut catch and hit me in the side on the face(thought for sure it pealed my flesh awya,nope).I had a nice scrap along the whole side of my face,so i went out and bought a face shield that I don't wear often enough.Getting in a hurry can spell trouble fast,we all have been on the wrong end of trying to save a few seconds.You need to keep those fingers working,otherwise who will chase all these giant logs around with me,LOL.That is when you get back to the north country,It has been bitter out of late,my nephews had school called off one day.Talk to you soon,Victor
I hate/love my table saw. It scares me and I am VERY careful when I use it. Not because I am smart but I too got hurt in a different way. I had a Mrytel wood board kick back and caught me in the chest and the another piece when through a bookshelf and pierced the drywall behind. I was wearing a heavy shop apron over a sweatshirt. The lining between my ribs got really bruised and created lots of problems for me. I also was in the emergency room with a friend who cut his finger off with a table saw. I will never forget having to help the hospital staff hold him down due him being out of his mind because of the pain. I bought a band saw and life has been much safer.
Glad your OK, it can always happen in a split second. I saw this item over Christmas, and thought hmmmmmm. Most of you probably already know of this technology. Anyway check this out. Just wanted to share it.
Not cheap but maybe worth considering.

I was told about this product a while ago. When the hot dog touches the blade the blade becomes electrically grounded. When that happens a bar comes out and stops the blade as well as causing it to fall. At least that's what I was told. Both the bar and the blade are ruined in the process. Definitely a fair trade for my (or your) fingers. However I'd probably go broke demonstrating it to my friends. It's way too cool.
Glad your OK, it can always happen in a split second. I saw this item over Christmas, and thought hmmmmmm. Most of you probably already know of this technology. Anyway check this out. Just wanted to share it.
Not cheap but maybe worth considering.

Here's a link to the piece that "Time Warp", the Discovery Channel show that films all kinds of things in ULTRA SLOW motion. About 3 minutes long, and really impressive, both the saw, and the super neat footage.


Since I forgot to orginally post it.... :rotfl:

Steve W
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Here's a link to the piece that "Time Warp", the Discovery Channel show that films all kinds of things in ULTRA SLOW motion. About 3 minutes long, and really impressive, both the saw, and the super neat footage.

Steve W

It must be really tiny. I couldn't see it. :biggrin:
I hope you heal quickly and completely and that you build a sled for use with
the table saw when appropriate. And, always use push sticks when not using
the sled.
I highly recommend the purchase and faithfuly use of the Grippper push device. Get the bigger model and you will find very few limitations to your use it and the table saw. This device completely keeps your work moving past BOTH sides of the blade and there is no chance the hand, fingers, etc. should ever get engaged by the saw blade. They are available at your local Rockler, Woodcraft stores. The cost is wayyyyy less than any trip to the doctor! It is also a heck of a lot cheaper than the Sawstop Table Saw.
You said, "Yes, I use a push stick - but today I got in a hurry."
My son is an emergency room physician. He sees several finger amputations a month on guys who have woodworking shops.
He says they all say the same thing, "I always do it this way, but just this once......"
Lesson: Be safe and use your safety tools and brain every time.
BTW, the tablesaw scares me too, very dangerous tool.
And, I'm glad you didn't hurt yourself much worse. Consider this a lesson.
You said, "Yes, I use a push stick - but today I got in a hurry."
My son is an emergency room physician. He sees several finger amputations a month on guys who have woodworking shops.
He says they all say the same thing, "I always do it this way, but just this once......"
Lesson: Be safe and use your safety tools and brain every time.
BTW, the tablesaw scares me too, very dangerous tool.
And, I'm glad you didn't hurt yourself much worse. Consider this a lesson.

I've posted this before, as an instructor of mine likes to say, "We aren't STUPID people, but we can sure do STUPID things". Seems like for myself, along with most folks, the number of true "accidents" is very very low. (I would consider an accident something that happened that you truely had NO control over.), but we get a bit over confident, tired, in a hurry, or don't focus on what we are doing and we get bitten.

I know if I'm confident and comfortable with what I'm doing, can do it on "Auto-Pilot" then I'm also cruising for an injury, because I'm not focused any more. The tool that I have to be careful around is my Sliding Compound Miter Saw, because a lot of the time I'm cutting a number of pieces to the same length, slide the wood, hit the stop, cut, piece in the pile, slide, hit the stop, cut, piece in pile, repeat and repeat. Yea, you get bored reading it, and I get bored doing it. I caught myself one day, each time I slid the wood over my hand ended up a bit closer to the path of the blade. If I hadn't noticed, it's very likely that at some point flesh would have met steel, and steel always wins. We all would have agreed that it's a terrible accident, but to me, and YMMV, it WASN'T an accident, it was self inflicted, despite being un-intentional.

Well, I'm done preaching, I'm not AFRAID of any of my tools, if I'm afraid than I'm not going to act with confidence. I RESPECT all of my tools, because most of them are tougher than I am, but I'm the boss. (and yes, the Router and the Saws get extra respect). And if the little voice in my head says "Not a good idea", I try to listen to it. It seems to know more than I do at times. :)

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