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Sep 11, 2007
Laurence Harbor, NJ, USA.
Old Wrangler (George) has made an offer and I think it's a great deal .
Here's the original post
So help the IAP and a lonely old man :biggrin: and get those card in the mail ASAP .
My cards are scheduled to arrive here on Tuesday (UPS tracking says so anyway) and the standing orders are "As soon as the cards arrive , place a card in the awaiting envelope and bring it to the PO , OR ELSE !!!" ( I love being the dictator on occasion :biggrin:)
So get those cards in the mail NOW !!!! OR ELSE !!!! :tongue::biggrin:
Send to George Norris, 24407 Pine Canyon, Spring TX 77380.
Actually I was cajoled into leaving my offer open until 4-11. I don't know why that should make much difference. It has been open for nearly a month and still only got 41 cards but it's open and I'm still a-waitin'. Thanks to those who have sent theirs in. This is gonna cost me a whole lot less than I thought.
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