One of them days

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David M

Jan 21, 2009
Norton, Va. 24273
Have a few plain maple blanks thats from a local business . Was planted by the ones that started the business , so I was thinking it would have some sentimental valve so I got some of the wood .
Cut up some into blank size , dna dip for a couple days , set to air dry for a week or so......... Ready, Set, Go .........
Was in a hurry to get a few done ,to show in there gift shop.
Took the blanks to work , dilled and glued in the tubes .
At home squared up , cleand out and started to turn , tear , blow up , chip out , pick up parts for letter opener..... to short ..... wrong ,it was bad .
Murphy was looking over my shoulder .
Ended up with 2 out of 5 blanks that was usable .......
So much for trying to get ahead , back to cutting and dna dipping again
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