One of our own in June Pen World

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Passed Away Dec 28, 2021
In Memoriam
Mar 8, 2006
Richmond, VA, USA.
Once again Anthony (Penworks) has a feature article in the June edition of Pen World. Got a Paradise Pen store nearby? Get your free copy there, I did. Way to go Anthony.
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Once again Anthony (Penworks) has a feature article in the June edition of Pen World. Got a Paradise Pen store nearby? Get your free copy there, I did. Way to go Anthony.

Anthony congratulations!!!!!

Bruce this is Oklahoma, the close's thing to a pen store is Office Depot...


I think a few of us OKIE pen turners have more stock then them:biggrin::wink:
Who is this Anthony guy????

Looks like he's got "star power", but can't find any recent entries,
does he come here, from time to time???

(Nice coup, buddy!!)
Theres a Pen World magazine?
Can't help but think of the poor souls outside our pen world who would look at this magazine and think........................I don't get it. Reminds me of a friend who is in the heavy equipment business...............He reads Rock and Dirt magazine.......... I don't get it!!:confused: Anyway, congrats!:biggrin:
Who is this Anthony guy????

Looks like he's got "star power", but can't find any recent entries,
does he come here, from time to time???

(Nice coup, buddy!!)

Hey Ed, cut me some slack :biggrin: I just got back from the Utah Symposium and had 5 days of catching up to do :eek: My daughter did handle the store very well in my absence, so well in fact, I am heading to the AAW in June :)

Thanks for the replys, it was fun doing the article with Laura, here is a link to Pen World, we made the inside cover, Me, my daughter Vanessa, and Pete.

Hey Ed, I think you may have heard of me talk about Pete :wink: He lives in your neighborhood :)

I scored a Tripple coup d etat this month, Woodturning Design, Pen World & demonstrator at Utah Symposium :eek:
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Once again Anthony (Penworks) has a feature article in the June edition of Pen World. Got a Paradise Pen store nearby? Get your free copy there, I did. Way to go Anthony.

Bruce, if you come over here and pay a visit, I will autograph your copy :biggrin:

Also in the same issue, the Gisi's have a picture of a limited edition pen they made for a Nobel Prize, pretty cool :) They also did a demoi in Utah.
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