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My grandfather likes to tell the story of how when he was a boy playing with peas by shooting them out of his nose he got one stuck inside and about 4 days later it had sprouted and started to grow out of his nose. At least it was easy to remove, but a tree in your lungs!!!! That is just plain crazy.
I find that REALLY hard to believe. Plants require Chlorophyll to grow. Chlorophyll requires sun light. sun light in the lungs??

I agree it is hard to believe. Normally there must be a seed involved. How do you inhale a seed that size. But as far as clorophyll, a seed will sprout and grow until it breaches the earth without sunlight.
No sunlight needed to sprout. I sprout and grow bean shoots - Mung, Wheat, Corn, etc. - in complete darkness all the time.

I can completely understand how this could happen!
Seeds will sprout in the dark put will not get green without sun.Check this link out

Colored molecules have a distinguishing feature: their backbones consist of sequences of carbon atoms linked to each other by alternating single and double bonds. These alternating sequences are an essential structural feature for an organic, carbon-based molecule to absorb light and appear colored.

This did not happen a Fir tree will not grow 2" tall with that many leaves/needles without light.Victor
He should have let it grow a bit more. Could have turned a slimline with a REALLY interesting story!

I wonder how the seed got in his lung...
The same story appears in the Telegraph (United Kingdom) and hundreds of other on-line newspaper editions:

but with the addition of one important line at the end of the story:
"There was no independent verification of the surgeon's claims."

As near as I can tell, this "discovery" was about three months ago and all that Google will "cough" up is the same bit of news fluff over and over. I haven't been able to find any other reporting or analysis. Granted, 20 minutes with Google isn't exactly the be-all-end-all search but I would think that some independent study or other documentation besides newspaper and human-interest reporting could be found.

Not saying it didn't happen but for now, the BS detector showing a pretty strong signal. ;)
I kinda thought BS too considering most plants need some sort of photo synthesis to grow...but I thought it was interesting anyway...
CNN ran that story this morning and also presented several other similar occurances. Apparently, seeds like lungs very, very much.
My grandfather likes to tell the story of how when he was a boy playing with peas by shooting them out of his nose he got one stuck inside and about 4 days later it had sprouted and started to grow out of his nose. At least it was easy to remove, but a tree in your lungs!!!! That is just plain crazy.

My dad used to tell me not to swallow watermelon seeds or I'd have a vine growing in my stomach. I'm afraid it falls under the same category as the "pea in the nose" story.

BTW, why do they assume that he inhaled a seed instead of the whole tiny twig?
My hobby on the side is Bonsai trees. I plant a lot of tree seeds and of all of them, the least likely to sprout are the conifers. They are really difficult and I have planted dozens of them with no success. Guess I wasn't using the right kind of LUNGS in my pot.

I wonder if I sent him some Mugo Pine seeds, he's sprout some for me?

My BS meter is pegged out!
When I was a young man (million years ago) I saw a small kid at Grady Hospital (In Atlanta) that had a sprouting butter bean in his nose that had to be operated on to remove
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