One last Memorial Day thread

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Dec 2, 2009
I have a mini 'rant' here and will probably stir up another storm, but here goes.

Memorial Day is not Veterans Day my friends.

From Wikipedia: "Memorial Day is a United States federal holiday observed on the last Monday of May (May 31 in 2010). Formerly known as is a Decoration Day, it commemorates U.S. soldiers sic[USA service men and women] who died while in the military service. First enacted to honor Union soldiers of the American Civil War – it is celebrated near the day of reunification after the Civil War – it was extended after World War I to honor Americans who have died in all wars."

To me, Veterans Day is the day to honor all veterans. Yesterday was a day for memorializing those who gave all in the service of our country. It was for them. Their day. No one should be upset that the living veterans were not honored, or thanked, or anything else. That's what Veteran's Day is for.

Nuff said.
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Thank you very much for having the nerve to post this. I agree with you 100%. When someone says thanks on Memorial Day, I tell them to thank the ones who died for this country.
Chip, Good post, thanks.

I hope several folks read it because in a few other threads it is very obvious that many don't know the difference.

They were so busy looking for their "Thanks for your service" gesture that they didn't realize this special day wasn't about them at all.
Padre/Chip, you are correct of coarse and I want to apologize for starting the thread. With the exception of the ones listed that are gone, please ignore the thread. We will do it on Veterans Day.

George I don't appreciate your comment, but you are free to make it. I'm free to ignore it.
I'd like to see a roll call of those who served or want to mention relatives that served or are serving the Armed Forces. Thanks for posting
I believe the individuals that posted read the thread and replied correctly. They did not memorialize themselves nor did I. I replied to the post as it was asked as did the others.
Chester, Vermont
Chip, Good post, thanks.

I hope several folks read it because in a few other threads it is very obvious that many don't know the difference.

They were so busy looking for their "Thanks for your service" gesture that they didn't realize this special day wasn't about them at all.

Comment retracted as it really isn't worth it!!:eek:

And in this thread . . . the images clearly reflect the intentions of Memorial Day. Yes, I did say to shake a hand of a living vet and offer them a heart felt thank you but that is simply because our fallen heros cannot have their hands shaken thus prompting folks to act.

Padre/Chip, you are correct of coarse and I want to apologize for starting the thread. With the exception of the ones listed that are gone, please ignore the thread. We will do it on Veterans Day.

Paul, your thread was in no way out of line. Many posted names of family members who have gone on. As a Marine, you know full well that you are conntected to not only those with whom you served but also to every Marine who has earned the title since the inception of the Corps and every one who has yet to earn it. And I believe that is also true with each branch of the service whether they believe it or not. We are bound as brothers in arms by a bond tha cannot be described. Heck, we can't even explain it ourselves. And you know full well that anytime and every time someone shakes your hand and offers you a heartfelt grateful thank you that the tears that begin to form in your eyes are not for you but for those who you know deserve it far more than you do.
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I concur that Memorial Day is a Day designated by law to remember our fallen But, if it should also cause us to give thanks to those who , although not with their lives, have sacrificed for their country then do so.

Each night on the news when they announce another group of 4th Inf Div soldiers arriving home or another Memorial Service for those who have fallen, I cry. Another service man asked us for names of those of us and our relatives who had served to, I believe, express his gratitude. He asked and we responded just as we did when Uncle Sam said lets go. We did not respond out of desire to be seen nor steel from those who have gone on before us.

I frimly believe that all who responded would gladly give their lives to allow you to feel the way you do. And that they will all feel that:

Any day is a good day to thank a veteran living or deceased!
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