OK! Who did it?

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Jan 1, 2004
Wichita Falls, TX, USA.
Several months back (my apologies for taking so long) someone sent me a diamond back rattlesnake skin to try making some blanks. I've lost all of my emails and well, I hate to admit it, but I can't remember who it sent it. If you sent it, send me an email. Again, my apologies. Be careful, this may be an honesty test for the rest of you! :D[B)]
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Nope,well maybe[}:)],can't remember[:(],could be[:)],don't think so[?], see what happens when you get my age.
We are a generous, jovial, and accomodating bunch, aren't we? I appreciate all of the offers but the real owner may not agree with all of these offers. Now, would the real owner please step forward.[:D]
Do a good turn daily!
Originally posted by wdcav1952
<br />I think I know who sent you the skins. Send me the blanks and I'll <s>keep</s>send them on to the rightful owner. [;)]
I can't stand to see you suffer like this, Don. [:(][:(][:(]

Consider me the "rightful owner" and ship at your earliest convenience.[:D][:D]

Should anyone try to claim them later, we can certainly show you gave them "adequate public notice" in the "paper(well, website) of record"[xx(][xx(][xx(]
It wasn't me either, but if I had been in my right mind (which is seldom) I could have sent some black snake skins week before last. The stupid snake decided he should try to cross the back yard where he met our dogs, especially our Dalmatian, Siberian Husky mix. We found him in 2 parts. Must have been 6-7 feet long before he met his doom.
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