Ohio Penworks will be at the MOVPG

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IAP Activities Manager, Emeritus
Mar 9, 2009
Columbus, OH
The 2024 Mid-Ohio Valley Penturners Gathering will be held in Parkersburg, WV from 9/13 –9/15. More information about the MOVPG can be found by clicking HERE.

Ohio Penworks will have over 180 pen blank images on display to choose from.

During the MOVPG all of the Ohio Penworks "Made To Order" pen blanks will be just $9.00 per blank. Domestic Shipping will be FREE for any purchase. No minimum purchase required.

You do not have to be at the MOVPG to take advantage of this of

The sale price, and the free domestic shipping will be available to everybody through my Etsy shop from 9/13 – 9/15.

Individuals who are actually at the MOVPG will have the option of being invoiced for their pen blank selections instead of purchasing through my Etsy shop.

Any blank ordered from Ohio Penworks will ship within 2 weeks of purchase.

Attending a Penturners Gathering is a fun, rewarding and educational experience. If you haven't been to one of the many gatherings that are offered around the country throughout the year keep an eye out for one near you. Attend if you can. You'll be glad you did.
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