Now it's....Swine flu!

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Sep 1, 2008
Ito City, Shizuoka, Japan
Man...if it isn't one thing it's another....:cool:

Living in Japan I only get a chance to get back to Canada to visit my folks every couple years. We just finished booking tickets to go for the summer and now this possible pandemic flu comes up.

The last time we went it was SARS. The time before that when my mom visited it was 9/11. Granted these are all serious events and my tribulations are totally insignificant in comparison but there's always "something" when we And after spending $4~$5K on tickets with NO CANCELATION INSURANCE.....certainly adds to the drama.

One thing good about Japan.... we have the "surgical mask wearing" technology perfected..:biggrin:

Be well everyone!
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Looks like the media is bored again and they have nothing else to sensationalize.

I think this is media worthy more so then the guy who stole a car and drove it into a building.Awareness is what they call it sir.Center for disease control has to report these things to avoid it killing tons of people.This might not be an out break yet,but the sensationalizing of it will help to prevent it being a epidemic fast.Victor
THere are more cases of flesh eating disease each year than there are cases of swine flu...unless this becomes a global pandemic...

So thus far, it's just media will continue to be a big problem in congested areas like Mexico City, however...
Let's see, the last one was bird flu and the one before that was mad cow disease. There was also salmonella in peanuts and something else. Why not swine flu now. We need something else to worry about and cause panic! Makes for better news stories.
awareness is one thing, and while I haven't seen "too" much evidence of it on this topic.....the fact is the media is comprised of fear mongers. nothin like a good panic to get the blood pumpin and the ratings to climb.
I'm looking at the bright side...pork prices are dropping through the floor. I'll be able to stockpile up on bacon and pork chops at a great price! Everything that includes the word bacon is a success. Just look at Kevin Bacon. Would he be a success if he was Kevin Broccoli? I sure doubt it.
Everything that includes the word bacon is a success. Just look at Kevin Bacon. Would he be a success if he was Kevin Broccoli? I sure doubt it.

Broccoli was his legal name until his agent made him change it.
You're right, Kevin Bacon has a nicer ring to it
And according to National Geographic (or Discovery Channel....I can't remember which one), after humans are gone, pigs will take over the earth. Oh yeah, and rabid dogs too. Of course, it's not like pigs will be getting on airplanes and flying all over the world.

Anyone ever see the movie "Outbreak" with Dustin Hoffman? Boy, you talk about sensationalism. I was in high school when that came out and my biotechnology teacher (a doctor and former lab scientist) talked about how incredibly bogus that movie was. I love the part when they find the immune monkey and in about 3 hours they have a vaccine to give to everyone. Really?!?
And according to National Geographic (or Discovery Channel....I can't remember which one), after humans are gone, pigs will take over the earth. Oh yeah, and rabid dogs too. Of course, it's not like pigs will be getting on airplanes and flying all over the world.

Anyone ever see the movie "Outbreak" with Dustin Hoffman? Boy, you talk about sensationalism. I was in high school when that came out and my biotechnology teacher (a doctor and former lab scientist) talked about how incredibly bogus that movie was. I love the part when they find the immune monkey and in about 3 hours they have a vaccine to give to everyone. Really?!?

Hey but the snakes will be on a plane with samuel L. jackson
Man...if it isn't one thing it's another....:cool:

Living in Japan I only get a chance to get back to Canada to visit my folks every couple years. We just finished booking tickets to go for the summer and now this possible pandemic flu comes up.

The last time we went it was SARS. The time before that when my mom visited it was 9/11. Granted these are all serious events and my tribulations are totally insignificant in comparison but there's always "something" when we And after spending $4~$5K on tickets with NO CANCELATION INSURANCE.....certainly adds to the drama.

One thing good about Japan.... we have the "surgical mask wearing" technology perfected..:biggrin:

Be well everyone!

Maybe you cause all of these "disasters" by traveling..:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:

Seriously, I think Curtis may be right.. if we don't have news, then media makes news... I know this is serious, but also think we devote waaay too much TV time to it.
my wife saw the news about the swine flu and with a very worried look asked me "what are we going to do?".... my response was " worry about something we have to worry about, this is not on the list yet"...
It's possible that this could become a pandemic - but there's NO reason to worry about it until that is ACTUALLY the case. If one washes one's hands often, that's about all you can do!

Bubonic plague spread through ignorance - so we're wise to learn about potential pandemics...but this fear-mongering is out of hand!
Living next to our southern border, I'm one of the people that is fairly concerned about this. No I'm not walking around wearing a mask but I am taking some precautions. Because I have a certain type of arthritis, I also have an immune deficiency. The schools sent home fliers with all the children yesterday with instructions about washing hands, etc., etc. We also have a preemie in the family to be careful of. LOML is the ranch foreman for one of the largest farm operations in our valley. He is in contact everyday with workers who travel back and forth across the border. I'm probably being overly cautious but maybe better safe than sorry.
Let's see, the last one was bird flu and the one before that was mad cow disease. There was also salmonella in peanuts and something else. Why not swine flu now. We need something else to worry about and cause panic! Makes for better news stories.

Don't forget the ecoli in Spinach
Norwalk on the Cruise Ships
Swine flu is an oldie it first came in 1973. All active duty people had to vacinated for it. For most of the people who did come down with it it just made them sick. Very few people died. I agree for the most part this just hype. Use common sence and get on with life.
This has been a big thing in our fire department where we also provide EMS to the public. We not have to ask about if they've traveled and where, when and since they are flu-like syptoms (how's that for ambiguity?) we have to take extra precautions when we transport to the hospital. Our safety supplier says their phone have rung off the hook for 2 days with companies ordering tens of thousands :eek: of N-95 masks!(like high-powered dust masks) sheesh!:redface:
Maybe the mask companies are in cahoots with the media....I remember something about gas masks or dust masks or something selling like crazy after 9/11.....does that mean it's going to be hard for us to get masks for our turning needs?:hypnotized:
If it gets going here in Japan we ARE doomed!! The Japanese wear masks for everything thinking that's all they need to do. Horribly ill (cold and flu) people dawn their pitiful mask and head off to work....hackin, sneezin, snortin.....:mad: The idea of staying home a few days to get better doesn't exist. It's quite comical actually.
Apparently there are about 35,000 people that die from REGULAR flu in the US every year......only about 34,998 for swine flu to catch up :tongue:
I posted this on Paradise. We had some fun with it.

We interrupt your regular turning session....This is just in from the Center for Disease Control and the World Health Organization.....

"A potential pandemic of the deadly Pen Flu Virus is suspected. The epicenter has been narrowed down to Harrow in Ontario. Patient zero is some knucklehead named George. The virus is being blamed for the death of several Canadian budgets. Symptoms are declining bank balances and the odor of CA on your clothing. Reports are coming in world wide of pockets of the virus. International shipping and pen/blank swaps are being blamed. Turners are being encouraged to give their credit cards to their spouses for a period of one month and make no trades or purchases. The wearing of face masks seems to have little effect. In fact, reports of using the excuse, "Honey, I'm going to the Wood Store to buy masks." are coming in world wide. Random investigations of their shopping carts have found increasing amounts of pen kits and blanks. Lillian of William Wood-Write was quoted as saying, " This whole issue has been an over reaction. Besides, Mama wants new shoes!"

This is Sawdust...reporting from Denver, Colorado....back to you in the studio...

Some people are like Slinkies... Not really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs.
If it gets going here in Japan we ARE doomed!! The Japanese wear masks for everything thinking that's all they need to do. Horribly ill (cold and flu) people dawn their pitiful mask and head off to work....hackin, sneezin, snortin.....:mad: The idea of staying home a few days to get better doesn't exist. It's quite comical actually.

yes it is comical, the masks are not fitted properly.
i think i may have this swine flu.....

i keep comming out in rashers.:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::biggrin:
I've stayed home the last three days - not because of swine flu, but rather that I have a regular bit of flu that has morphed into a terrible cold....

While I don't get sick days, it's better to stay home and avoid getting everyone else sick. It sucks to loose a few hundred dollars over a little virus, however!

I think the count is still 11 in CA., is that right? I do know that 5 of the 11 are right here in our valley. Some of the schools closed early for the weekend yesterday. I know people are trying to cover their backside and I guess I can't blame them.
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