Originally posted by Tanner
<br />I'm have the same dilemma. Only I want to surprise my multimillion dollar friend with a nice pen. He hunts a lot, all over the world. So antler seems great, however after I make him a pen he may want another made with antler from something he shot. Maybe a bullet pen. He also owns a company that makes that corian type product that Lowes carries. So, I want to make a pen from that product. Maybe a combination. Then there is that "I may not be worthy" thing, since I just started turning pens. You guys make such beautiful pens, I may never get to that stage of pen turning. He is flying a couple of us up to Montana on a private jet this weekend to stay at his new 17,000 square foot personal lodge. So you can see, I don't want to embarrass myself. Any ideas welcome.