Tom D
Hi All,
John Wilson will be doing the Demo at the November 3rd meeting, he will be demonstrating a fluting gig he has been experimenting with. The original author saw it primarily as a an adaptation for fluting objects such as table legs. But hey, turn the lathe on as well as the router and you have an instant dowel maker. Good for quickly roughing out pen blanks, bottle stoppers or any other small turning. It should prove interesting.
The Wood Turners are bringing in Cindy Drozda for their December meeting. Her work has been chosen for exhibitions around the country, and has appeared in several magazines and books. Because she is such a great demonstrator they have asked that we start the Pen Club meeting a little later than our usual time of 1:00pm. Because that would not leave us enough time for elections and a Demo I have decided that it would be best to cancel the December Carolina Pen Turners meeting.
Elections will be held at the November 3, 2012 meeting as well as John's Demo.
The Palmetto Woodturners have extended an invitation to all the members of Carolina Penturners to attend the Palmetto Woodturners meeting and see Cindy Drozda free. Penturners should just Identify themselves to treasurer at the door as a Pen Club member.
Thank you for all the support you all have given me in the last two years.
I will see you Saturday. We would like to start promptly at 1:00pm
John Wilson will be doing the Demo at the November 3rd meeting, he will be demonstrating a fluting gig he has been experimenting with. The original author saw it primarily as a an adaptation for fluting objects such as table legs. But hey, turn the lathe on as well as the router and you have an instant dowel maker. Good for quickly roughing out pen blanks, bottle stoppers or any other small turning. It should prove interesting.
The Wood Turners are bringing in Cindy Drozda for their December meeting. Her work has been chosen for exhibitions around the country, and has appeared in several magazines and books. Because she is such a great demonstrator they have asked that we start the Pen Club meeting a little later than our usual time of 1:00pm. Because that would not leave us enough time for elections and a Demo I have decided that it would be best to cancel the December Carolina Pen Turners meeting.
Elections will be held at the November 3, 2012 meeting as well as John's Demo.
The Palmetto Woodturners have extended an invitation to all the members of Carolina Penturners to attend the Palmetto Woodturners meeting and see Cindy Drozda free. Penturners should just Identify themselves to treasurer at the door as a Pen Club member.
Thank you for all the support you all have given me in the last two years.
I will see you Saturday. We would like to start promptly at 1:00pm