I haven't confirmed these with actual use, but from the chart I have inside my Nova G3 chuck storage box,
View attachment 383322
So, it looks like the 35mm Spigot Jaw would be able to fit 1.5" round stock as well as 1.5" square stock.
View attachment 383323
I'm assuming you are looking for jaws suitable to hold a 1.5" inch blank so that you can drill it on the lathe?
For bottle stoppers, I use my drill press and I either drill the blank with a 5/16" drill (tap drill) and tap the blank with a 3/8-16 tap, or I drill the blank with either a 17/16" or 29/64" drill and glue in a 3/8-16 threaded insert.
For turning I use one of several methods I have. One is a dedicated Bottle Stopper MT2 mandrel and the other is a set of mandrels that are held in either a collet chuck or in a jacobs chuck on the headstock, like these:
View attachment 383324 View attachment 383326
I suppose to drill on your lathe, in a pinch, you might be able to mount your blank between centers and turn a tenon down on one end then use the tenon in one of the Nova jaws you do have in order to drill it on the lathe - that is if you have a set of jaws that will hold round stock in the range of the tenon you make.
I hope this helps - Dave