Note to self...

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Jul 26, 2008
Anaheim, CA

(I'm not that old, only 40. But...)

Took my daughter to the rink last night. Skated just fine all night. Last 3 minutes of the session, the craptacular rental skates had a wheel wobble. Down I went. Hard.

My wrist and my back hurt like @#$%$^#%&. And if they hurt today, I can't imagine what they'll feel like tomorrow. Especially since I have harrington rods in my back.

So, I need to not try to relive my youth when on wheels!

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I learned a very similar lesson when I was about your age. I took my kids to the monthly school skating party at the local rink. I was doing fairly well until a couple of 10 year olds started reacing around the rink. The one in the lead looked back as he took the corner and hit me right behind the knees, taking my legs right out from under me. I landed on my left elbow and was certain that I had broken it. My hand stayed numb for three days and the whole arm ached like a toothache. That was my last time on skates.

Jim Smith
Aahhhh, I'm 51 and still like to skate. Kid's keep begging me to take them again. I did put on some roller blades the other day. Darn them things are hard for me to skate in. I made it half way around the block and my shins locked up. Kids laughed while I walked back to the house in my socks. Give me the four wheels at the corners where they belong anyday.
It is worse on Ice, I went with some friends to the Ice rink several hours away, and I went around the rink not more than twice when my left foot came behind my right so fast that I went down. I did not just fall graciously I fell so hard that my hands could not even come up. I hit my Cheek bone on the ice and it was numb to to the touch for the next few months
It is worse on Ice, I went with some friends to the Ice rink several hours away, and I went around the rink not more than twice when my left foot came behind my right so fast that I went down. I did not just fall graciously I fell so hard that my hands could not even come up. I hit my Cheek bone on the ice and it was numb to to the touch for the next few months

Well, I used to teach figure ice skating. But at age 52 I remeber that grwoth hormones are not there anymore and endorphines not much secreted. So, Word advise is that if you are not doing it every day more tha likely your joints are not that flexible like they used to be. So, lets just let the kids who are grwoing to do it and you just sit back and act like a wise guy, even if you ain't one. I mean wise sportwise.
I believe in 4 wheels too, my car. But if I want to go inline, my motorcycle suits me well. And snowmobiles run quite well on ice. And as for endorphins, I keep them flowing quite regularly by eating a spicy food of one type or another almost daily!
I picked up a nice pair of like new roller blades at a garage sale 5 years ago and swmbo has informed me that at my age (now 61) if I try them and manage not to hurt myself, she will cause me pain and suffering. So I am in a lose/lose situation. They are still hanging in the closet collecting dust. She IS a woman of her word.
For those of us over the age of, hummmm, 20-30 or so, don't rollerblade wheels make wonderful stabilizers for bowl turning and such not!

That is what I did with mine and I am 62 now. The last time I put them on I was about 55 or so. Surprised myself too as prior to that I was in my late teens when I last remember skating on either wood rink or ice skating! SWMBO (now 39) said I did great for an ole fart! BTW, she busted her butt three times that night - me, NOT one time! :cool:
After a long thought I finally figured out what to do. I f you hurt your sleves that's what the CA glue is for. Go figure. Heck if fixes the wood, then it gotta do something to the bones, right? LOL
For those of us over the age of, hummmm, 20-30 or so, don't rollerblade wheels make wonderful stabilizers for bowl turning and such not!


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