1) I'm surprised that this thread has lasted this long.
2) can someone explain how PC has taken ANY rights away from anyone?
Politically correct is the subtle badgering arm of ACLU mentality. No one wants to get sued but it happens when someone in retail doesn't conform to subtle and then overt pressures. No one wants to lose their job but non-PC conformity can cost a person their job - and you can bet the ACLU will fund the lawsuit.
Did you know that you can say GD to the US of A from a pulpit and support a member of said church by name for national elections and that is OK. But if you name a person of another gourp that supports certain belief principles - it is labeled as not PC and lambasted by the press. And the US government HAS in fact notified major church denominations that in national elections they can support principles but can NOT name a person by name from the pulpit? Why is it OK for one group that pushes PC but not OK for the other?
Did you know that you can own a mom & pop business and if you are open to the public, in some places, you can be sued to hire another worker for at least minimum wage for all of the hours that you are open - to speak another language if you, as the owner are not bilingual?
Did you know that one member here who worked for the State of . . asked for diagonal cutters by saying "hand me the dikes" and was given a letter of reprimand by the State?
Did you know that another person, an online friend from another forum - well I will quote him here: "I too came under the gun about that word (dike) and the word "peckerhead". I am a retired electrician and got myself jammed up with the people in the office one day when I told them that the peckerhead was missing on one of the grove pumps. A peckerhead is the termination box cover on the side or end of large electrical motors. Monkey wrench also is taboo as well as some other words and phrases used in the fields. Political correctness, is . .
Did you know that I was reprimanded by a store owner once for saying "Boy, its hot today!" while standing by a black fellow, a friend. He laughed at the stupidity of the reprimand! I shook my head and left - with my friend.
And you asked - explain how PC has taken ANY rights away from anyone? Can't talk without someone taking offense at innocent words and expressions.
I am respectful of ethnos and and am well aware of different ethnos and cultures far more than most people would guess. I get to see the insides of cultures that vacationing visitors, and short term workers never see. I don't meet these people on the governmental and commercial interaction level but rather at the point of their basic value system - who they are, who they wish to be. As a counselor too, I see the inside to this.
I do not see in other cultures except Euro/North American doing the PC stifling. Differences are noted in countries outside of those just mentioned without exploiting the differences and there is no insistence on generic commonality for PC purposes.
I was disappointed of you the bringing of the "N" word into the fold. No one was referring to that, unless I missed something. I grew up on a farm in the middle of the south where my closest white neighbor was about 4 miles away. So my childhood friends were black and they are still my friends. No one else brought this up. Were you trying to equate anti-PC people and prejudice as one and the same? That kind of implicating is wrong! If someone does bring it up, pounce on them! I will. But to suggest that anti-PC and prejudice are the same is plain wrong.
PC - DOES badger people and can causes some to lose jobs.