No....This is LOW!!

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Ron Mc

Feb 2, 2005
If you do a google search using the term McKinney Pens you will find this result on the second page.

"Style Pens
Different handmade wood pen types from McKinney Pens. We offer many styles of pens and pencils. pens are never-ending there are so many styles to choose ... - Similar pages"

It appears to be an affiliate site to Paradise Pen.
This listing leads potential buyers that they are purchasing from McKinney Pens in their listing.

This my friends is absolutely unethical and a very poor business decision on someones part.

I will be contacting Paradise Pens to let them know that one of their affiliates has crossed the line. If that doesn't get results then I will pursue further options.
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I had an e-mail from a Chinese company that sells titanium rings. They had something new and were e-mailing everybody. I opened the picture and saw my exclusive Mokumanium rings, stolen directly from my site with their name across the the pictures. They didn't even to bother changing the names. I had spent a lot of time developing them, photographing them, patenting them, and getting a registered trademark. Needless to say, that frosted my cake. I went to their site and found about 20 more of my pictures there. I told them in no uncertain terms that they had better be removing them immediately. I also informed a competitor of mine that his stuff was on there too. They were off the next day.

Another interesting thing similar to yours, people pay for advertizing on catagories of stuff that show up in similar searches. Google will list hundreds of similar search terms for people signing up with the pay per click service. Some people buy the package deal which includes hits to any of those. That's how their company is found when someone does a search for your stuff. I've even found that competitors pay for a Google search for MY NAME to try and draw in customers!
Originally posted by Ron Mc
<br />If you do a google search using the term McKinney Pens you will find this result on the second page.

"Style Pens
Different handmade wood pen types from McKinney Pens. We offer many styles of pens and pencils. pens are never-ending there are so many styles to choose ... - Similar pages"

It appears to be an affiliate site to Paradise Pen.
This listing leads potential buyers that they are purchasing from McKinney Pens in their listing.

This my friends is absolutely unethical and a very poor business decision on someones part.

I will be contacting Paradise Pens to let them know that one of their affiliates has crossed the line. If that doesn't get results then I will pursue further options.

I did that search. The first two (non-advertising) results that came up were, the second two were
Early this year I noticed on my website statistics that some one in china had saved my web pages to their c drive and was looking at them. When the look at one of the webpages they saved it still ran the java script to record the statistics and recored the page hit of C:\documents and settings\.......\my documents\*my web page* I was a bit concered with that, but didn't really know of anything to do with it, so I started putting my website name on all my pictures.
If I am reading what you wrote correctly it is saying that pencheapfast is a similar page to yours. Is that correct? If so then google is the one that generated the search query. Maybe I am lost. I am half the time anyways. Wife says something about it doing with me having my head up.. well you get the point.
The search never returned that hit for me in the first 5 pages.
FWIW, I usually don't get off the first page when searching anyway. Sometimes, I make the second.
I did click the link you posted and it went directly to Paradise Pens.
Maybe they're calling and want to buy some of your products?!?!? [;)]
I tried the same Google search for McKinney Pens, both with and without quotation marks around the term. I didn't see the other site in the results.

I did check the Paradise site (just the home page), and also looked at the source code - I didn't find the term McKinney in it. As another poster pointed out, could be a marketing thing. There's lots of that going on, and the law is unsettled on many of these areas. But if Paradise isn't doing anything outward to infringe on another site, I fail to see any legal problem. The search engine could be the cause.

However, if you get repeated search results showing that other site, you could contact Google. Some contacts can be found here:
Not sure how successful you will be, but you can always try.

This sort of thing is reminiscent of the "penturner" flap that many of us (myself included) beat to death on another thread. That incident in itself may be just a minor issue, but I think the bigger picture is that people who make a living selling goods or services on the Internet should be aware that others will try to muscle in. Competition is OK, but infringing another's trademark or copyrights isn't. Unfortunately, the law is still fuzzy on many Internet-based intellectual property disputes, and taking legal action against these alleged infringers can be a crapshoot, not to mention time-consuming and expensive.

Still, it's important to be vigilant, and one must take steps to protect his or her business interests. It's up to a business owner to decide if it is really worth it to pursue a remedy.

One common underhanded trick that rogue affiliates use is to buy your brand for more than you are paying for it. Say your site is named BobbyJo Pen Company. Many people who know you and buy repeatedly from you will still go to Google and search for BobbyJo Pen Company. Hopefully they find you at the top of the natural search group and click through to you. You might also buy the phrase "bobbyjo pen company" from Google at a low price for those who prefer to click on the paid search area. You can usually buy your own name (brand) at a nominal price.
Now assume you have an affiliate deal with someone who runs a business of generating traffic to sites, he buys all sorts of phrases like "executive gifts, customer appreciation gifts, luxury pens, etc." When someone searches google they find his referral site and some of them click through to you, you pay him a small precent for all of the buiness he generates for you.
The dirty trick is to outbid you for your own brand so that your affiliate comes to the top and your repeat customers see his site before they see yours. When that happens they go to his site, see the link to yours and go on to you. When they get there, they make a purchase and you owe your affiliate a commission.
It is always a good idea to enter your own name in often and see if someone is outbidding you for your brand. When I find somebody doing that I click on it, and then on back, then on it again, then back, etc. Do that a few hundred times so he runs up a big bill before you turn him to Google, they take a dim view of brand bidding rogue affiliates, usually they cut them off.
OK.....First off I don't think Paradise pens is diverting traffic at all.
As stated above I believe that it is an affiliate that did it. NOT Paradise pens.
I apologize for any confusion.

I have contacted Paradise pens and they extremely nice and are looking into as well.

The odd thing is that now the listing is completely gone.

BTW....Just to show that I am not crazy.....Gary states that he followed the link I posted and it took him to the Paradise Pens site.

Now click the link.
Do you mean that the listing is completely gone when you do a google search?

That sounds even more like a rogue affiliate, he might have bought your name attempting to divert your traffic to Paradise and earn commission form them.

When you buy words/phrases from Google you budget an maximum you are willing to pay during 24 hour time period. As you start accumulating billings toward your maximum Google turns you off and on repeatedly so that your purchase period is spread out over the 24 hours as much as possible.

When you and others went to Google and looked several times, his billing started accumulating and they turned him off so he did not exceed his max budget.

I clicked the link after you first posted it and it did open to Paradise Pens. Just tried it again and got the same thing Mannie did.
I just clicke the link in your first post and got
Not Found
The requested URL was not found on this server.

I got the same thing. Apparently, the was a redirect or "doorway" page, as it previously would forward to the Paradise page. Since you contacted Paradise, and they seemed cooperative, they may have removed their affiliation or link with the redirect. It's possible that the pencheapfast was part of a third-party "marketing" service that used some black-hat SEO tactics to drive traffic to the affiliated site.

Originally posted by Ron Mc
<br />Thanks for letting me know that I am not going nuts.[:eek:)]

I don't know if I would go that far Ronnie! [}:)] You seem a little nuts to me. [;)]
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