No, I ain't dead

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Apr 26, 2005
San Antonio, Texas, USA.
And I didn't fall off the planet. I've just been busier than a cat covering up excrement. Between trying to get unpacked (still not done), granddaughter recitals, basketball games, assisting coaching my grandson's baseball games and teaching him to shoot, playing disc golf for exercise... not to mention the new job... I barely have time to think. Even my Harley has been neglected... I haven't ridden it since December.:eek:

I still can't work in the garage since I don't have a shed built for all our crap yet, but that is in the works (damn HOA's). SWMBO is really after me about getting back to the shop, too. It seems she thinks the shooting thing is getting out of control... so I've bought a "few" new firearms, what's the big deal?:biggrin: Just b/c I had to buy a new gun safe since my old one is now too small doesn't mean anything. Anyone know of a 12 step program??? Like Shooter's Anon, or something like that?:tongue:

But I really am missing my shop time. And my web site is getting a little bare so I need to restock. Sooner rather than later, hopefully. I have stopped in for a quick look at what you guys have been up to from time to time and it looks like I've fallen behind the power curve again. But I'll catch up, y'all just keep pressing on.

I have also missed the playful banter that goes on here, so I'm hoping I can find the time to get back to my usual harassment.

Oh, one more update. I am now the proud grandfather of TWELVE. Our daughter w/the twins had a baby girl about three weeks ago. Both are doing well and I should get to see her this weekend.
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Welcome Back Billy. I for one had wondered where you were hiding these days. Glad to see you back. :usflag:
Billy, it's good to see you back. You can never have too many guns. Tell the wife she has too much silverware, you can only use one fork at a time....LOL
The Shooters Anon meets every Thursday at the local FIRING RANGE.....there is no cure except another box of ammo.....Good to hear from you!
Billy, it's great to see you back! Get back out in the shop soon, I've felt the distrubance in the force! You've been missed.
It is great to see your post and know that you are still alive. Just send the extra firearms my way:wink: and I will take care of them for you.:biggrin: I hope that you can get your shed built soon so that you can get back to turning, if you want to.:rolleyes:
Thanks, guys!

Mark, I said 12 grandchildren, not 12 granddaughters. Otherwise one day in the not so distant future we'd have 12 young men in deep doodoo.

Thanks for the offer, Mike, but I think I'll hang on to them.

Thanks, Paul, I changed profile a few months ago, but missed the profile.
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