Got this from Capt. Eddie who is the Bayou Woodturners' president. Passing it along for others.
** If you need Capt. Eddie's email address, you're welcome to email or PM me and I'll send it to you. I just don't want to post it here... He probably wouldn't care, but I feel funny about it.
Edit: here's a link to Nick Cook's site:
Woodturners, our next meeting is Saturday and Sunday October 12 & 13 with national demonstrator Nick Cook in for a two-day program.
It will be held at Acadian Hardwoods, the program starts at 9:00 AM both days and continues until 3:30 PM
The Bayou Woodturners will be providing lunch (subway) drinks and snacks for those in attendance.
There is a fee of $25.00 for the two-day program (no single day tickets available)
We are asking you to RSVP in advance so we can get an idea on the lunch and drinks.
If you did not sign up with Ron at the last meeting, and plan on attending, please RSVP to me at (Removed **) . I will arrange for your lunch and drinks.
Hope to see all of you at Acadian for a great program.
** If you need Capt. Eddie's email address, you're welcome to email or PM me and I'll send it to you. I just don't want to post it here... He probably wouldn't care, but I feel funny about it.
Edit: here's a link to Nick Cook's site:
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