As most know by now Lou Metcalf (DCBluesman) owner of Heritage Nibs has had some medical problems and also has been informed by his nib supplier that they are increasing his minimum order to 10,000 per style and size. Lou and I were working on a partnership for nibs from a different supplier just before his stroke. I've stayed in contact with him through out the last 6 months and as of now he is doing much better and has gone back to work, but is not ready to rejoin us. I have spoken to him and I am going forward with what we both were going to do by myself. I hope to have some news on nibs within the next two weeks. I will try to keep all updated. Working with some of these European companies takes time and I just re instituted dialog with them two weeks ago and hopefully will be placing an order soon. I'm working with two manufactures in Europe tring to get the right size's and of course the best prices but they have their prices and mimimums written in stone.