Geee guys, stop picking on snobs!!!!
To be honest, any person that is passionate about ANYTHING could therefore be a snob. I like old cars and believe things should be just so. If you know what I mean. In USA, numbers matching on classic cars is a big thing for example. If the engine is not matching ( even if it's better ) you probably wouldn't buy it.
I'm not a lover of fountain pens. They are not my thing. But like with cars, technology moves on and there are far better and more reliable and more practical alternatives readily available. I have no idea if there is an alternative to a FP nib for calligraphy though.
My thoughts on the kit IPG nibs is twofold..... or perhaps threefold... 1. There is sod all Iridium in the point, 2. the nib has never been remotely near Germany... 3. I have never seen on ANY seller site that the kit which has Iridium Point Germany stamped on it, was in fact probably made in China. So, for me it's the lie, rather than the end product that turns me off. Even if the nib worked like a dream
A question to the pro's...... Can a nib be tuned and smoothed etc, in any pen and then transferred to another? I have no idea , but if you could have either the stock nib or a pre-tuned alternate available ( that you bought elsewhere ) it may help sales of us non-pros.
Sorry, i'm just rambling on really