next meeting?

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At the last meeting Roger (Qballizhere) was going to check with Craig about hosting at woodworld. Now that wood world is up for sale that plan may be delayed or put on hold until the sell and someone can talk to the new owner (s). Maybe someone can host at there place again? 3 months would put the next meeting sometime in mid Sept.
Try Craig anyway, I bet there will not be a problem.

I have heard a rumor that the people in talks to buy the place are turners also. BUT that is only a RUMOR
If wood world cant do it I have room but the a/c shop is 12 x 17 the other shop with no a/c is 30 x 50. Also for the ones west of FT Worth it would be a heck of a drive. I'm out by cedar creek lake. Think one person needs to handle the logistics of where and who is interested in hosting meetings.
We also need to come up with some demos. If you can post some ideas on what you would like to see, then we can work out someone to do the demos.

I can demo casting colored blanks and clear casting. Might be able to talk Seamus into demoing a snake skin blank. I have just restocked on silmar and can bring the supplies for casting.

That may be subject to where the meeting is, it does smell and they may not want it sticking up their place.

Any other ideas?
Dang i forgot about this thread, and i started it, duh! LOL. I wouldnt mind doing a demo on snakeskin blanks, but if Don Ward can make this one, he might be interested in doing that since he successfully pulled off a great demo at SWAT using snakeskins! I still need to work on my demo skills anyway.
Sorry guys, life's gotten real busy for me with the addition of 4 new areas (added to my existing job, not in place of!!) to manage at work, including our Illinois office. I'm stacked eyeball deep until at least after the middle of October, and I'm hoping then it will slow down to about 90mph..... though it may just be more of the same for the foreseeable future. I keep getting text messages from my shop, letting me know how much the tools miss seeing me, and asking when I'm going to be able to spend some time with them......
Lyle, Understood, work pays for toys!...

OK SOMEBODY VOLUNTEER THEIR SHOP FOR THE NEXT MEETING! I don't mind coordinating, but don't have the space.

Sounds great lets do it. How do I get an email from North Texas chapter members on next meeting time and place. Powder coating is actually my next interest. That would be a good demo. You can get a gun from Harbor Freight for $60 with coupon and powders for $5-6 a pound. Besides I have tried every kind of spray paint and when I glue the skins on the paint comes off or bunches up. Lots of ruined blanks.
seamus7227 said:
I just looked that up on the map, I think it may depend on the date that it falls on. That is quite a drive too:eek::biggrin:

Since we dont have a date, how about proposing one?
I was thinking around the 22nd. If some of the people that are out of town and wanted to go to the fair afterwards or the next day its possible.
I really would like to get this off high-center, who is with me?? Does the 29th work for anyone? How about Nov 5th??
I will be in Oregon from oct 23 to oct 29. Committed for Oct 22 but open for November as far as I know.

Have the meeting when most can attend. There will not be a date when everyone can make it.


I really would like to get this off high-center, who is with me?? Does the 29th work for anyone? How about Nov 5th??
my apologies for not seeing these posts already. the weekend of the 29th are clear, but then Don said he couldn't make it. I will typically have my kids on the first, third and fifth weekends of every month. so the 5th of november and the 19th are my weekends with them.dont base the dates around me though.I understand if I can't make it.

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